
Showing posts with the label National Square Dance Day

Today Is National Square Dance Day! Or What Dances Did You Have To Do In Elementary School?

Fuck Square Dancing. You heard me. I hated having to do it in elementary school, at parties, and now every time I'm near it I hear banjos and see inbred pig-people raw dogging in the back of a Ford Bigfoot Cruiser in the parking lot of a Pick n' Save. Yet there I was in 3rd grade in Mrs. Felton's class, having to do the dance in the gym with Mrs. Brown's class - and it was supposed to be fun! Pul-lease. Never mind that who I really wanted to dance with Gordy, the 3rd grader who'd just moved to town from Canada (he had a slight gap between his two front teeth which I thought was dreamy), and no, I wasn't "out," I just instinctively knew what I wanted. But I digress.  Today is National Square Dance Day, which got me to thinking of all the awful elementary school dances I had to do in gym class and also at special event "gatherings." Like The Conga Line, which was always messed up because the boy or girl behind you was always a klutz and steppin