OPEN POST: Peckerwood is Haunted; Hosted By Sir Whiskersey Kittypants.
Did you know that Peckerwood is haunted by a gang of Victorian ghosts? Those rattles and creaky floorboards aren't residents sneaking to the kitchen for 2 AM nachos or tawdry meetups in the cloakroom. Nay, my friends, these ghosts also want in on the fun or have lived here since the manor was built and are trapped because they feel they are the real owners and we are simply their guests. Besides, our antics amuse them, and they are ardent fans of Bendyboys and Caza's power ballad karaoke nights. Don't be afraid. Our ghosts won't hurt you except for Millie the Grouchy Fishwife. Sir Whiskersey Kittypants would love to introduce you to them, and one in particular may surprise you. Why yes, that is Charles Dickens. No one knows why he is here. He won't say, but he's suspiciously always around when it is time for the nude male revue. Consuela and Guadalupe, aka Carrie and Lucius, they like to pretend to be South American heiresses shipwrecked off the coast. Really...