
Showing posts with the label Royals

Memo to Duke & Duchess of Netflix: Air Force One isn't for bumming a ride

    It's slow news because of the SAG-Writers strike. So we have to make due with whatever floats on the proverbial toilet bowl. This came up.  According to reports (I'm side-eyeing Scoobie Obbie Doo), the Duke & Duchess of Nextflix stood on the airport tarmac with their thumbs out (the international sign of hitchhiking) to ask the White House if they could bum a ride on Air Force One for Queen Elizabeth's funeral. The White House said, "Nope". I imagine the White House operator rolled their eyes and proceeded to block their number. It takes a special kind of empty headed self importance stupidity to even think about asking POTUS for a freebie on Air Force One, let alone actually doing it. Then again, no one should be shocked since these two have been called grifters by Spotify execs. Is this why Megan didn't attend the funeral and Prince Harry looked pissed off at having to fly commercial?   Let's examine everything that's wrong if you try to hit