
Showing posts with the label Royalty

Post a Pup Sundays! Historical Royal Dog Lovers

Throughout history, many royals have found solace and companionship in the company of their furry friends. For instance, Henry III of France cherished his bichons and spaniels so much that he carried them in a little basket around his neck. Similarly, Queen Victoria created a pet cemetery with epitaphs to honor her beloved pets. German-born Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orleans, once wrote from the Palace of Versailles, "Dogs are the best people I have come across in France," highlighting the unique bond humans can share with their four-legged companions. Louis XlV loved dogs and had a beloved toy poodle who lived better than most people. I am a direct descendant of the little boy in the dress and leading streets, which means Versailles should be mine bitches! Alexander the Great is known for being an almost unstoppable conquerer. Legend has it that his beloved dog Peritas was a gift from a Greek King. Legend also states that Peritas had taken down a lion and an elephant. P...