
Showing posts with the label Sylvester

OPEN POST: 1,500 Species in The Animal Kingdom Should Have Pride Parades

The mating habits of humpback whales has long been a mystery; the first time it is observed it happens to be two male whales. One male is smaller and was heavily pursued by the bigger whale for a full 35 minutes before he gave up and let his suitor ravish him. Maybe he didn't like being a bottom. The bigger male penetrated the other whale, hugging him with his fins and making the little one stay still so he could have his way. Copulation among humpback whales has long been a mystery. Well, it is a mystery no more. It is Fire Island under the sea, folks, complete with gogo boys and butch leather daddies pursuing twinkles.  Whales aren't the only species who have shown this behavior. A whopping 10 percent of rams don't want anything to do with ewes. They prefer a Friday Night in West Hollywood or Sunday Brunch in the Castro. No ladies need apply. These rams won't mate with ewes but are enthusiastic when it comes to other rams.  Amazonian Dolphins, Grey Seals, and so many ...

Today Is International Cat Day! Who Is Your Favorite Celebrity Cat?

Why this isn't celebrated on a Caturday, I'll never know, but today is International Cat Day, a day to bow down before our vicious furry gremlins, pray that they don't eat us should we die in our sleep, and give them extra treats. If your response to this is, "But I already do that every single day," then you're doing it right, but do better. You can always do better.  There are many fun facts about cats. And many cat celebrities. Post-Egyptian, the first modern cat megastar arrived in 1919 with the animated short, "Feline Follies," which introduced mere mortals to Felix The Cat just after WWI.  Then there's Carol Channing.  "Wait, what?" you say, "Was Carol a cat?" Could have been! But actually, she famously played a cat in "Archy and Mehitabel," a musical adaptation of the famed 1916 daily newspaper column by Don Marquis, which was published in The New York Sun.  The columns were later collected and published in se...