
Showing posts with the label Tacky

A Tacky Day at The Races! Rate the Worst.

Dressing up for Horseracing has rules; during the weekdays, it is more casual, and unless you are at the royal races in certain boxes, you don't have to go full out. But these women didn't get the memo. The London social season is over, and it is hunting season now when the social scenes move to the country and the social calendar changes to country pursuits-shooting parties, weekend parties, hunting parties, and so forth. So, these races are less prestigious, but there is no reason to look ridiculous. You should still wear something tasteful, comfortable, tasteful, and TASTEFUL for the love of all that is holy.  British hats are wacky, and some women love to wear them and have collections of them. Some designers are better than others at it; Philip  Treacy makes nice ones. You should save them for weddings, some weekend racing events, and some events when it is asked for; otherwise, you run the risk of looking foolish and getting your picture taken. Wouldn't someone look

Fans Are Outraged That Madonna Is Ignoring Them. Plus an UPDATE.

Fans of Madonna are in rage-mode, ya'll. Why? Because the "I'm Addicted" singer (see what I did there) was out and about yesterday and has yet to let fans know if she's delaying her tour - which is supposed to start Saturday in Vancouver. BTW, what can we tell from this picture above? No ass. It's gone. As in her surgically-enhanced poot-box seems to have left the building. Other then that, she looks pretty damn good for someone who was on the edge of death after an opiate overdose a bacterial infection   generalized unbearableness  a bout of who the fuque knows.  But back to Madonna's little monsters (ah hahahaha! come for me Gag fans!). Similar to Adele, when she had a case of the scareds before cancelling her first Vegas gig, Madonna's fans are shit out of luck in terms of all the hotel and plane fees they've paid and they are not amused. Concerns about refund eligibility? Pff. That's for the poors.  Om one hand, I feel for them. Many laid

A Look at Amanda Seyfried's New York Shitty Penthouse!

Photo: Architectural Digest It's been asked many times over the ages: What makes a house a home? Some people say it's simply having a roof over your head. Complete psychopaths say it's family. Here at the Manor, we say it's having a convoy of saucy stablehands and haughty housemaids on deck! Butt, if you're 2017's The Crapper Clapper star Amanda Seyfried , the answer is....toilets!