
Showing posts with the label Those Kids Today

Millennials Can't Communicate With Gen Z (oh the irony!): A Commentary

     I ran across an article that had me chuckling about Millennials and their frustration with Gen Z.   Millennials, the generation who grew up with social media and turned self-promotion into a cottage industry. Their admiration and idolization of social media influencers made it acceptable for self-absorbed behavior to be the norm.   In an ironic twist, Millennials are now becoming frustrated in their inability to relate to Gen Z – a generation heavily influenced by Millennials’ behavior. Millenials are turning to Tik Tok to air their grievances and to seek help in figuring out how to understand and communicate with Gen Z – especially their slang. They feel disconnected from Gen Z who, in my opinion, took their cues from Millennials to further establish the trend of using pompous language to describe everyday things. Why do they do this? To give things a fashionable spin to make it IG or Pintrest worthy. For example: Gen Z Millennial Definition

TREND ALERT: Corporate Goth Is The New Office Attire For Gen Z Workers

  Photo: Teen Vogue When you think of business attire, the last thing you'd expect to see in the hallways at some corporate office is an emo wannabe wearing head-to-toe goth. Today's corporate Gen Z are taking a page out of the Robert Smith & Siouxsie Sioux catalog by sporting the goth look for the office. Nothing says "Please take me seriously" than looking like you crawled out of a coffin carrying a can of Clamato juice and your smartphone. I must be getting old because the goth look during my youth was what you wore to a rave party, a Cure concert, or to a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It sure as hell wasn't what you wore to have a sit-down with clients or the CEO. Corporate goth is the latest trend among the Tik Tok generation. Young professionals are donning their best white pancake makeup, black eye liner, fishnet stockings, pleather, and greasy hair to make whatever-the-fuck statement they think they're making with their atti

Lazy girl/boy is the latest trend among younger workers: A commentary

  When I read about the latest trend among youngsters on Tik Tok called "lazy girl job" I had to find out more as my first reaction was huh?   Lazy girl job is essentially two things: finding a brag worthy, well paying remote job ($80k +) and then going on social media to brag about being lazy, doing the bare minimum with zero ambition, and encouraging others to do the same. At least this is what its morphed into from the original premise of finding a high paying remote gig and putting in minimal effort to allow time to pursue a life. In some ways it's like quiet quitting. Bragging about being lazy on the job isn't anything thing new. Since prehistoric times workers have always tried to find ways to slack off when the boss isn't looking. But what's different with today's entitled, everyone gets a participation trophy generation is their braggadocios brazen attitude about it. I know...don't generalize as there are younger workers who bust their ass for

Forrest Gump Jr. has found God

  Why is it when people realize they're assholes they turn it into an epiphany involving God?  Well seems like Forrest Gump Jr (aka son of Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson) and self-proclaimed king of White Boy Summer has been touched by the holy spirit. Just once I'd like for someone to admit they're a douche - the end. Move on. Go do good things to make the world a better place. Anyway,  Cheeze Whiz Chet Haze has removed all old photos of himself on his IG to reveal a new photo featuring a giant tat of a cross on his chest as his sacrifice to serve the All Mighty. He continued his path of enlightenment by posting these gems of divine inspiration. I get the sense he wrote these while flexing in front of a mirror as Chants of the Benedictine Monks played in the background. I will give Lambo guy credit for realizing he's a useless caricature. If a person is genuine in finding a greater entity that will help them get their shit together and be a productive citizen of the univ

A "Chick Flick" And A "Prick Flick" For The Weekend!

In 2017, Gloria Steinem wrote an OpEd for The New York Times in which she discussed how the term, "Chick Flick," invented by men, was meant as a pejorative, or intended to denote any movie with a female lead, a plot that gave you the feels, and "more dialogue than car chases."  Helpfully, she offered up her own term for its opposite, "The Prick Flick," or any movie with lots of menz in the forefront, oodles of action,  or "prestige" subject matter from the High Church of Hollywood, and few, in any, female characters (besides girlfriend, hand-wringing housewife, or bangable side piece).   But something funny happened on the way to the post-Covid cinema. Everyone and their kitten, it seems, wants to see both The Chick Flick, or "Barbie," and The Prick Flick, or "Oppenheimer." There's even folks who plan to see both as a double feature on the same day. Are we evolving? Hahahaha! Not so fast, tiger.  Some politicians have tr