
Showing posts with the label Toxic Couples

Britney Spears: Lolita to Cautionary Tale

I can't keep up with Brit and Sam's divorce because the hoopla is outsized, an event we all knew was coming from the beginning. Brit doesn't like the kind of men that stick around; perhaps, they don't like her, and the feeling is mutual. It isn't plausible that a stable man with emotional needs would choose a  stunted aging woman dressed as if the last twenty years had never happened.  Initially, Britney stormed onto the scene as a Lolita in a provocative video for One More Time when she wasn't even 18. Britney and I share the same generation, and our timelines are nearly parallel. Nothing about me was prudish, yet I remember my friends and me talking about how sleazy it looked and wondering how her parents could sanction something so overtly perverted. We knew what the bare midriff, schoolgirl outfit with the messy two ponytails looked like. We knew it was a whisper away from a porn fantasy and the flipside of Clueless' Cher Horowitz.   Her public image has

Toxic Couples: Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans

  They had been quiet for a while, and I had forgotten about the Bedazzler and her ex. The divorce had been finalized, and a three-year restraining in place against the Bedazzler so there would be no more unhinged rants on social media, and therefore, the drama should have died down. If nothing more than for the sake of the children. This is where you are supposed to scoff and call me naive. I will admit that I haven't read everything about them because I have known a few Alice's in my life, and I can almost smell her dysfunction through the screen, and she's following the playbook like she wrote the damn thing.  The courts have taken Alice to task for doing the classic NPD behaviors they see daily when one parent is volatile and has virulent abandonment issues that inform every decision they make. She can't get past the fact that her partner left, and her obsession with destroying him supersedes everything. Not only does she want him to pay, but she also wants to annih

Toxic Couples: Ariana and Ethan Are Shameless Edition. FFS and WTF.

These two thought they could keep their messy business to themselves. What have we known all along? That these liars have lied about the timetable. We knew they didn't get together after he supposedly separated from his wife. We knew Ginger Garbage Boy and the Donut Licker had been sloppy, so we knew someone would catch them. Did they even try to keep it quiet? Were there any attempts not to hurt his wife or humiliate their spouses? The answer would be a big fat NO. Usually, when people have affairs, they try to be discreet, but there is something extra egregious about these two.  Messy and Messier were caught in a bar months before Ethan told his wife he was leaving her and their baby. Things were a little murky before, but since my last report, these are the things that have come out and a refresher: -A cast member told Lilly about the affair. Horrible.  -They were messing around in December before Ariana split from her husband. If they were cozy in March in public, then come on,