
Showing posts with the label You're No Fun

Attention Ticket Resellers: Uncle Sam Says The Party is Over

   Photo:; Ticketmaster Uncle Sam (Govt. Name: IRS) is saying the party is over to people who make their living hoarding concert or sporting event tickets and reselling them online. Resellers this year will be scrutinized by Uncle Sammy (IRS) when they file their taxes as a new law has been implemented that takes effect this tax year.   The new law lowered the tax reporting threshold for users of e-commerce platforms including Ticketmaster and Stub Hub.   According to Fox Business, “The IRS is requiring these types of platforms to provide info on sellers’ proceeds to the IRS if their ticket sales are more than $600 in one year (previously the threshold was $20,000 in revenue and more than 200 transactions). The new change to the threshold will be triggered with just one transaction if it goes over $600 limit.” So what does all this mean? Ticketing platforms will now be required to report sellers’ proceeds of $600 or more over the course of a year and send them a 1099-K f

Companies don't give a shit about your BD by ending free coffee and other rewards

  It was bound to happen. Corporate fat cats (no offense to loveable feline chonks) have decided your loyalty to their products and services isn't worth squat. Many are quietly reducing rewards or eliminating reward programs entirely. This started last fall when Dunkin' announced no more free coffee on birthdays (I said it in Soup Nazi voice).    Other companies took notice and realized they could add another 0.0000001% profit to their coffers by reducing and/or eliminating programs that have been used for years to reward customer loyalty. Companies that are saying "screw you & your birthday" include Sephora who now requires online customers to spend $25 to get a free birthday gift. Um, why would anyone do that? The "free" gift is probably perfume sample that smells like jailhouse hooch.  Red Robin is telling customers they have to spend a minimum of $4.99 if they want a free birthday burger. WTF? And Starbucks requires customers to redeem birthday coffe

US lawmaker calls Mount Rushmore "demonic portal for communism"

  Ah, Mount Rushmore, who knew you're the portal to hell in disguise. In what I can only define as "Stupid is as Stupid Does", a state lawmaker from South Dakota is calling this beloved US monument a "demonic portal for communism". All this time, I thought Mount Rushmore was an inspiring rock carving that featured US presidents. Devil's Tower (the famous monument featured in Close Encounters of the Third Kind) is saying, "hold my spaceship ". Meanwhile, the trifecta of communism - Stalin, Mao, and Castro - are sitting around a poker table, laughing and chortling "Who Knew?" Anyway, back to the story. *grabs tin foil hat* Joe Donnell, a Republican member of the South Dakota House of Representatives said in a recent episode of "Now is the Time" podcast (insert eye roll): “In order to understand the spiritual realm of what we’re facing, we have to realize that in order for the enemy to do anything, it needs the agreement of h

Oh No! It's finally the end of the line for Poland's Bus to Hel 666

    If you’re not familiar with Poland and it’s many tourist offerings, there’s one that stands out head and shoulders above the rest:   The Bus to Hel with the appropriate numbered bus 666.   The bus has been in operation since 2006 (seems only appropriate) giving rides to those who want to be the envy of their friends and family by bragging they rode the Bus to Hel. The ride itself is probably similar to taking a cross country trip in my parent's station wagon with the faux wood paneling. Sadly, the good times are coming to an end because the holy water surfing club has been pushing for a while to rename it and they finally got their wish. They felt “it had satanic overtones and that to present the reality of eternal damnation as amusing in any way is just plain stupidity.” If the Bus to Hell employed Adam Sandler’s awful “Little Nicky” as it’s driver I would say that souls were at risk of eternal damnation because he would make them watch the movie in an endless loop.