
Showing posts with the label giraffe

OPEN POST: Giraffe Grabs Toddler Because Parents are Bonafide Idiots and A Peacock Eludes Keystone Cops.

Safari Parks are absurd at best to me, and I am being 100 percent judgy. Why would a giraffe want to live on some janky stretch of land in Texas to be ogled and irritated? If I were that giraffe, this would have had a different ending. I would have taken a bite of tender baby flesh and galloped away laughing wildly. Of course, my economy seat on the hell bus was secured a long time ago, so I can say shit like that.  Also, there is a peacock on the loose in Saginaw, Michigan. The shenanigans that have happened trying to catch the elusive peacock are the stuff of comedies. Scaling trees, hot pursuit on foot, and that peacock laughs and laughs, and like a roadrunner, off it goes: A student spotted the peacock on Monday while driving to Valley Lutheran High School in Saginaw County. Rachel Horton, the director of the Saginaw County Animal Care and Control Center, mentioned that the student attempted to bring the peacock to school and locate the owner, but the peacock managed to escape. Ani

Animals Rule The World (they should): Name the Giraffe!

Something rare happened in Northeastern Tennessee at Bright's Zoo, a family-run zoo with over 700 animals, including nine giraffes. A giraffe calve was born without spots, something that is very rare. The last time anyone saw this phenomenon was in Toyko's Ueno Zoo in 1972. Toshiko, the spotless baby's mother, had given birth to other spotless giraffes, but the mother at Bright's Zoo had three different babies, and they all had signature spots.  Animal geneticists are trying to determine what makes this happen and what it means. It is most likely a mutation, but there are many questions since seeing these rare creatures is exceptionally infrequent in the wild. They have figured out that the bigger the spots a calve has, the likelihood of long-term survival increases. So what does this mean for this baby? It is unknown. Over 17,000 people voted on the first day of voting for a name, and the four choices are in Swahili: Kipekee (unique), Firyali (extraordinary or unusual)