Peckerwood Café: Chef Spotlight--Nigella Lawson and Recipes--Share a Favorite of Your Own!

Nigella's show, Nigella Bites, was a comfort show for me for a few years. It was on BBC America, and I would make sure my godfather programmed his nifty DVR to catch it weekly. I turned others onto it, and we would watch Nigella and the OG Iron Chef. I thought she was sexy and gorgeous, so it wasn't all about the food. I crushed on her for a bit, but then I became very interested in her textures and British combinations. Brits aren't known for cuisine or culinary genius, but here was Nigella putting together things that looked tasty and inviting. I decided to highlight her because she became an international star and embraced her homey recipes and love of cozy homemade meals. Also, she was slightly plump, which means she ate what she made, which I liked. Brief biography: Nigella Lawson is a respected English food writer and television cook. I call her a cook, not a chef, and I use that term as a compliment. Many people have the title chef and cook uninspired food in restau...