Ryan Murphy Threatened To Sue A Striking WGA Member!

Ryan Murphy, seen above contemplating how many shows he can ruin after the first episode - "Great premise! Now drive it off a cliff!" he orders his writers - was getting ugly with the WGA right before the actors strike. Or more specifically, with WGA member and former strike captain, Warren Leight. Why? Because Warren, as reported to the Hollywood Reporter, tweeted that crew members for "American Horror Story" told him they'd be "blackballed in Murphy-land" if they didn't cross the picket line.  

No, getting blackballed in Murphy-land by the likes of Lady Gaga is not the latest horror being offered up - or rather, perpetrated - by the uber-producer. And frankly, I believe Warren (don't sue, Ryan!) (this is a parody site!) (ah hahahahaha!). Ryan is known to be a nasty piece of work, who, with the exception of Jessica Lange, has offered up - or, rather, perpetrated - a veritable smorgasbord of questionable talent. 

AnywayletsleaveJessicaoutofthis, after Warren's tweet, Ryan sent a pissy letter threatening to sue the WGA, which prompted Warren to issue a surely mumbled apology. And though Ryan is a WGA member, he pinky-swore that he wasn't doing any writing on the three - count 'em, three - shows he had shooting in New York. Insert "Sure, Jan" gif. 

Yet it's all moot now that SAG has joined in the historic double-union strike with the WGA. And Ryan, who's leaving Netflix and the mega-millions they'd offered him - what's up with that? - is returning to Fox/Disney in a deal that is certainly not worth mega-millions. Maybe Ryan, who'll continue to do new seasons for his two successful Netflix offerings, "Monster" and the scarcely-bearable, "The Watcher," is more comfortable at his previous home. After all, the new season of "America Horror Story" will be offering up, or rather, perpetrating, its most horrifying season yet: 

Photo credit: Xposure Photos


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