Explain Your Week in a Gif!


I got Mommy shamed, y'all! The Mummy Mafia in my neck of the woods are horrible snobs and fawn all over my husband but treat me like some floozy, and one, in particular, tries to leave me out. I have done nothing but be nice to them. They think I am a gold digger. It is like they are talking about someone else because their claims are wrong. 

They are all white. Outside of their group is an Asian from India and 3 Africans who leave me out because they hang with each other. Only the Asian mom is nice to me, so I am hoping for a new friend. It used to hurt my feelings it brought me back to living in the Deep South. 

The most difficult part of being biracial and multi-ethnic is that some people try to make me feel like I am an outsider. I am fetishized, objectified, or in some no man's land. It is partially why my sibs and I have a lot of ethnic friends or spouses; I am the only one who married someone white.

Luckily they are inclusive with my kids, and the academics and staff at the school are wonderful, so my son is getting a superb education. Rumor is there is a WAG coming next week; I have decided to try to befriend her. The new friend knows her and said I will like her. So we will see. My new friend is hilarious, and her husband is white, too, so we have that in common. I had lunch with her today, and I can see we aren't just bonding over race, but there is genuine respect, and even if I had met her in another circumstance, we both said we would still be drawn to each other. 

So that explains my gif. 


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