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Explain Your Week With a Gif


Explain Your Week With a Gif!


Explain 2023 with GIF/s and What Did You Do This Holiday Season?

My littlest has learned the joys of exploration and curiosity. Luckily, she's a sweet little toddling who is so cherished by everyone in the family, and we all call her by a nickname.  There is something special about the last and youngest when they are a surprise after a disappointment. My older kids have always been besotted with her and don't mind caring for her or playing with her. My youngest son likes to learn to cook and asked me to teach him how to draw. My daughter has been my sidekick, going everywhere with me and helping me organize things that had been pushed to the side for too long. And the oldest is just happy to be home with all of us. We spend as much time as we can outside, weather permitting. I will never work during the kids' winter break again. It isn't like my job saves lives or anything, and everyone who works for me is salaried, so the break is good for them, too. We ate a lot, rested, relaxed, and spent a lot of time with friends and family. Too

Explain Your Week With a Gif!


Explain Your Week With a Gif!

  I was jumping like an Olympian all week. I achieved it without missing a step.  The family lived on takeout or at in-laws' house. So, steps have been missed.  Thank you for your support and those that prop me up sometimes. It is not easy for me to admit when I am intimidated by a project, but this one is a career maker, so it meant a lot. I have a standing desk, so I was roaming while working with a parade of pets behind me. If you work from home, try a standing desk and wireless noiseless headphones with a mic. My brother hooked us all on this, and he actually laps his entire house while working. I couldn't lap my house because of too many stairs, but that first floor was like an entire office. I could watch the baby play and even feed her. She's not fussy, so it was fine some days. Highly recommend. 

Explain Your Week With a Gif!


Explain Your Week With a GIF


Explain Your Week With a Gif


Explain Your Week with a Gif

  My oldest son broke up with his little girlfriend, and her mother called me, telling me how upset her daughter was. They are children. They ain't walking down the aisle. Poor girl, but what am I supposed to do? Strong arm him? It may sound callous, but Team My Son. He already told me anyway. 

Explain Your Week With a GIF

  I had a great week. The Mean Girls/Heathers/Mummy Mafia are putting together a parent Talent Show to raise money for the Scholarship Fund, and they purposely tried to leave my friends and me out. But they got called out and stopped, and I am on a committee. I know it sounds stupid but I like helping the school and the Scholarship Fund is a great cause. It helps diversify the school which I love. 

Explain Your Week with a GIF!

I got paid! Those fools finally paid me. They had a million excuses and wanted me to do more work for them; no way. I am not going to condone or reward them. They took up too much of my time. So I got paid and Adios to them after I finish it.

Explain Your Week in a Gif!

  I got Mommy shamed, y'all! The Mummy Mafia in my neck of the woods are horrible snobs and fawn all over my husband but treat me like some floozy, and one, in particular, tries to leave me out. I have done nothing but be nice to them. They think I am a gold digger. It is like they are talking about someone else because their claims are wrong.  They are all white. Outside of their group is an Asian from India and 3 Africans who leave me out because they hang with each other. Only the Asian mom is nice to me, so I am hoping for a new friend. It used to hurt my feelings it brought me back to living in the Deep South.  The most difficult part of being biracial and multi-ethnic is that some people try to make me feel like I am an outsider. I am fetishized, objectified, or in some no man's land. It is partially why my sibs and I have a lot of ethnic friends or spouses; I am the only one who married someone white. Luckily they are inclusive with my kids, and the academics and staff a

Explain Your Week With a GIF!


Explain Your Week with a Gif


Explain Your Week With a Gif!

  Still on holiday under the Big Sky. How was your week?

Explain Your Week With a Gif !

I was busy this past week getting the kids, the husband, the house, the pets, the business, and the employees ready for our departure. It was a lot of work, and my ankle is still healing. I don't work during my children's big holidays. I just don't. I would sell my business if it became an interference for my family. They come first.  How is my business structured? I have been accused of having too much time on my hands to really have a business. Laughable because no one said I was a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I work project to project, and there is a lot of downtime for research or planning or when the tasks are in waiting periods. I always take some time in between to mentally rinse off a finished project. I work from deadline to deadline that I create so I can extend my time, though I usually account for issues. I learned that the hard way.  Some projects are long, a client has a long list of projects, or the execution is highly specialized. I have to work with subcon

If Your Week Was A GIF


If Your Week Was a Gif

It is Saturday, and that time has rolled around again. How was your week? Tell us all about it with a Gif. 

Explain Your Week in a Gif.

So spill it. What happened this week, and how do you feel about it? I always loved this question at our D,  I figured why not make it a post and see what you come up with! Have fun!