Explain 2023 with GIF/s and What Did You Do This Holiday Season?

My littlest has learned the joys of exploration and curiosity. Luckily, she's a sweet little toddling who is so cherished by everyone in the family, and we all call her by a nickname.  There is something special about the last and youngest when they are a surprise after a disappointment. My older kids have always been besotted with her and don't mind caring for her or playing with her. My youngest son likes to learn to cook and asked me to teach him how to draw. My daughter has been my sidekick, going everywhere with me and helping me organize things that had been pushed to the side for too long. And the oldest is just happy to be home with all of us. We spend as much time as we can outside, weather permitting. I will never work during the kids' winter break again. It isn't like my job saves lives or anything, and everyone who works for me is salaried, so the break is good for them, too.

We ate a lot, rested, relaxed, and spent a lot of time with friends and family. Too many parties, dinners, and a lot of drinking at night because it seems like post lockdown people want to get together. It is probably not bad since we may be headed for another pandemic isolation period, and I guess many people I know are bracing for it. I had to dress up for cocktail parties to black tie, which is fun once or twice, but it is old, and this bitch is done and over it. Once more for NYE, and then I don't want to dress for after 5 for at least 3 months. 

We will eat New Orleans and Southern food on New Year's Day. Coquilles Saint Jacques, Jambalaya, fried chicken, greens, 
french bread, deviled eggs, red beans and rice, Creole style French onion soup, shrimp and grits, and beignets. I usually do gumbo, but I decided on Jambalaya instead. My in-laws, Fleury's brothers' families, SIL, and her brood. So, I wanted a varied menu of regional American food they don't eat often. I am not cooking all this alone; it will be prepped and ready to go after we have all recovered from the revelry. 

As with everything in life, there were highs and lows in 2023. Broken ankle and having the plague were lows. Montana was amazing, Wyoming was me in bed sick, but they all had fun. Stress was my enemy, and I have been using my Headspace app to find ways to fit some easy ways to take on my stress throughout the day. I put it on my husband's phone and he finally actually started using it. Finding that very essential work/life balance wasn't always successful. 

We all said goodbye to the fabulous Dlisted and MK's wit and kindness. He will always be special to me. I got to know all of you from there, and it led to Bree taking action and creating a little manor for us all. 

I am an eternal optimist, and 2024 might bring new good things. You never know. This place will keep kicking. I will always find some time to drop by, moderate, and write for you. Some serious subjects and some lighthearted ones. I want to add more good news stories to combat the upcoming sure to be nasty political season. I think it will be important to remember that good things are happening in the world and to focus on that sometimes. 

All in all. Happy New Year Hookers!


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