Explain Your Week With a Gif!


I was jumping like an Olympian all week. I achieved it without missing a step. 

The family lived on takeout or at in-laws' house. So, steps have been missed. 

Thank you for your support and those that prop me up sometimes. It is not easy for me to admit when I am intimidated by a project, but this one is a career maker, so it meant a lot. I have a standing desk, so I was roaming while working with a parade of pets behind me. If you work from home, try a standing desk and wireless noiseless headphones with a mic. My brother hooked us all on this, and he actually laps his entire house while working. I couldn't lap my house because of too many stairs, but that first floor was like an entire office. I could watch the baby play and even feed her. She's not fussy, so it was fine some days. Highly recommend. 


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