OPEN POST: The Hardworking Hos Of Peckerwood Manor!

Pucker up, buttercup! It's almost Thanksgiving, which means most full-time residents of The Manor have already departed for the holiday - which also means that our Hardworking Hos can get their chores done in peace. I mean, who do you think does all the cleaning and repairs around here? It ain't your mom. 

And, yes, they'll be snooping around a bit, going through your medicine cabinets - you can kiss that Xanax and Adderall goodbye - and your closets and dresser drawers, too. Panties will be sniffed. Beds will be bouncing. Tiggles will be jiggled. Swords will be crossed. Man glue and girl gunk will be everywhere. Haven't they earned this? It's not like they won't clean it up. Please tip your Hardworking Hos upon your return. Don’t you like it when they make all those nice triangle folds on your fresh toilet paper rolls? Or repair the Manor's asphalt shingles so you Diddlers on the Roof can get busy in safety? Tip and tip big. They like it that way.


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