PROGRAMMING NOTE: Thanksgiving Is Next Week!

It's been 145 days, or about 4 months, since Peckerwood Manor opened its hallowed doors and moist legs to you fine-ass hors. And just like that...we're coming up on Thanksgiving. Can you believe? Whoever thought we'd make it this far? But we have, Blanche, we have.

With that in mind, next week - or the rushed lead-up and bleary-eyed come down from Thanksgiving Day - there'll likely be fewer original posts, since many of your esteemed Pecker writers and mods will be traveling to be with friends and family (or more likely huddled in a dirty corner with cheesy, freshly baked scalloped potatoes) (which they intend to share with no one). However, there will be definitely be "Open Posts" and "Caption This!" posts. Huzzah! 

If you're in Europe-land or elsewhere, and you're not celebrating Thanksgiving, please think kindly of your 'Murican Peckers, some of whom will be forced to go to those steaming, chunky piles of caca known as airports, or stuck in endless traffic jams with those steamy, chunky piles of caca known as children (I keed, I'm sure they're all adorable) (if sticky). It ain't pretty being thankful 'n such, but then indigenous folk recognize it as a Day Of Mourning. To those of you, I wish you nothing but peace (and cheesy, freshly baked scalloped potatoes). 

Fear not, for we'll be back to our regularly scheduled asscrackery come November 27th, or the balls-tired, Marijuana Monday after Thanksgiving Day. Will we be a bit more lard ass? Oh, yes, we will (those scalloped potatoes don't eat themselves), but we'll also be coochy-squirting-ready to deliver the kind of malarky you both want and deserve. Stay tuned! You ain't getting rid of us yet. 


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