WEEKEND COFFEE: Oscar Released On Parole. Stache The Sealyham Terrier Wins. Bradley Would Jump At Chance For Hangover 4. A POS Gets What He Deserves.



♦  Oscar Pisshole Pistorious was released on parole from a South African prison after serving 10 of the 13 years he was sentenced for shooting his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a bathroom door. No one believed his bullshit story that he thought it was a burglar.  And you know what, I still don't believe his BS.   Read More

Reeva Steenkamp and Oscar Pistorious, 2013. Photo: Waldo Swiergers / AFP via Getty// People.com

Comment:  This jackhole can piss off  into obscurity. A 13 year sentence - sounds like SA uses the same celebrity justice system as the USA. Had it been anyone else, he would be left rotting in prison for eternity.

♦ Stache, a Sealyham Terrier, can add HBIC as he won Best In Show at the 2023 National Dog Show. Stache hails from Honey Brook, Pennsylvania.  He beat out a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Dalmatian, Great Dane, Shi Tzu, Azawahk, and a German Shepherd. In case you're curious, the 2nd runner up was Pumpkin the Dalmatian.   Read More


Stache at the 2023 National Dog Show. Photo: Purina / Yahoo.com

Comments: Congrats Stache! Look at that face. Awe, so cute. BTW, I've never heard of the Azawahk breed so I had to look it up. It looks a lot like an Italian Greyhound, Greyhound, with a splash of a Pharaoh Hound.

An Azawahk. Photo: Purina.com

♦  POS ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of killing George Floyd, was attacked and stabbed in an Arizona federal prison. Officials say he's in serious condition with no further detailed released.  Chauvin is serving 22 1/2 years on top of  21 years on federal civil rights chargesRead More

Visitors walk by George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, 2023.  Photo: Nicole Neri / Washington Post / Getty Images // Huffington Post

Comment: That vile pile of horseshit deserves no sympathy.  Chauvin can burn in hell for all I care. 

♦ In an interview to promote his latest Oscar bait movie, Maestro, Bradley Cooper told The New Yorker Radio that he would jump at the chance to do Hangover 4. He said:  Read More

“I would probably do Hangover 4 in an instant,” the filmmaker (Bradley Cooper) said.

Bradley Cooper. Photo: Elyse Jankowski /Deadline/Getty Images // Daily Beast

Comment: Bradley is so damn exhausting. I haven't seen someone so desperate for attention and recognition  since AnnE Hathaway's campaign for her Oscar.  I'm at the point that I'm willing to go to Spencer Gifts and buy him a replica of the statue just to end his whorey quest for it. BTW, the world does not need a Hangover 4. The first one was enough. The 3 sequels were stupid and a shameless cash grab by all the actors involved.



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