EVENING NIGHTCAP: Cher Petitons Court To Protect Son. Sophie Marceau Speaks Out. Two Piles Of Shit Are Going To Prison.



► Finally, someone in France is showing backbone and speaking up against the degenerate cretin known as Gerard Depardieu. During a recent interview with Paris Match, the French actress Sophie Marceau had no love for fellow French actor Gerard Depardieu. Sophie said: 

"Depardieu's attitude was "rude and inappropriate", she told Thursday's edition of Paris Match weekly magazine."He didn't target great actresses, he went more for low-level assistants," she said. "Vulgarity and provocation have always been his trade craft," Marceau said. "Everybody loved him for it", Marceau observed, but said she publicly denounced his behaviour which she found "unbearable", already at the time." Read More

French actress Sophie Marceau. Photo: Hello.com

Comment:  Sophie went on to say that she complained about Depardieu in the past only to be called a nuisance which resulted in the French film industry turning against her.  Sophie has a lot of guts to speak up against France's national turd since so my others are protecting him. 

► Cher has filed a petition with the Los Angeles courts asking for her son, Elijah Blue Allman, be placed under a  temporary conservatorship. Cher claims that  Elijah, who is 47 years old, is not capable of making any sound decisions or manage his assets because of severe mental health issues and his ongoing substance abuse problems.  A few months ago it was reported that Cher had taken to a rehab facility when Elijah was found in a bad way at a hotel he was staying. Read More

Elijah Blue Allman and his mom, Cher (many years ago). Photo: Vince Bucci / Newsmakers / Getty Images / Hollywood Reporter.com

Comment:  Elijah has been battling drug issues for most of his life. Cher has quietly tried to get him help but he keeps relapsing. Elijah's dad, rocker Greg Allman, battled his own demons with substance abuse for most of his life.  I hope that Elijah is getting the help he needs and that Cher is successful in having the court appoint a temporary conservatorship to protect Elijah's trust that was left to him when his dad died in 2017.  

► You Tubers Jodi Hlidebrant and her ex-business partner Ruby Frank plead guilty to child abuse. They face up to 15 years in prison.  Back in September, one of Franke's kid fled Hildebrandt's home in Utah. The child was found malnourished, injured, with duct tape around the wrists. A neighbor called the police and during the investigation they discovered the horrible abuse and living conditions the children were forced to endure as the hands of these 2 fame seeking monsters.  Read More

Jodi Hildebrandt during court, December 2023. Photo: Sheldon Demke / St. George News via AP Pool / NBC News.com

Comment:  I hope there's a special place in hell for these two. They have no soul, no remorse for what they did all in the name of seeking fame and money.  I will let this gif express my final 2-cents about these 2 degenerates. 



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