OPEN POST: Happy Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day!

I know, it always comes so fast each year. And don't get me started on how commercialized it's gotten over the years - UGH! It's like everyone's forgotten the true meaning of Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day. Allow me to offer a refresher:

Cow Milked While Flying In An Airplane Day celebrates the day a cow named Elm Farm Ollie (formerly Nellie Jay) became the first cow to be milked while flying in an airplane (February 18, 1930). Apparently there was a need to study the effects of height on a cow's ability to produce milk, so they stuffed ol' Elm Farm Ollie in a Ford Trimotor aircraft and began their 72 mile feat-o-teat over Bismarck, Missouri. During the flight, her milk was placed in paper cartons and parachuted down to spectators below, something that's not at all kind of gross or really just an udderly weird thing in general to do.

How will you be celebrating this year?


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