EVENING NIGHTCAP: "Bish...Please" - Lizzo Edition. Katie Holmes On Broadway (eek, my ears!). Jay Z Cancels Musical Festival...AGAIN.


► Today's "Bish...please" is brought to you by Lizzo.  About a week ago or so, Lizzo went on social media and farted out on IG the following statement: "I didn't sign up for this shit. I quit" - after saying she was being "dragged by everyone in my life and on the internet". Well, since most of us have better things to do than go into a tailspin because she's quitting the biz OR because no one cared OR because it didn't generate the sympathy she was hoping for, Lizzo today gargled a different story. She is now saying what she REALLY meant by that comment was, "she was quitting any negative energy attention" and not the music industry. Uh-huh, sure Jan. Why don't you blow it out of your flute.  Read More

Lizzo in concert, 2023. Photo: Harry Durrant/Getty/Billboard.com

Comment:  Like I said above, her original comment didn't get the response she was hoping for so now she's peddling it back. She clearly didn't think things through. The only thing she accomplished with this stunt was making a fool out of herself and looking like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. BTW, her ex-dancers are still suing her for sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. 
When she first came on the scene, I had high hopes for her. What a disappointment she turned out to be. 

► Katie Holmes is Broadway bound. She will be joining Jim Parsons, Richard Thomas, and Zoey Deutch in a revival of the literary classic, "Our Town". The play is based on the 1938 Pulitzer Prize winning book by Thornton Wilder. Katie, who is NOT known to be a stage thespian will portray Mrs. Webb. The play will open on October 10. Bring cotton balls or ear plugs if you go. Read More

Jim Parson, Katie Holmes, and Richard Thomas. Photo: Tricia Baron, David Gordon / Theatermania.com

Comment: Let's hope Katie has a good theater acting coach. Since the play is a revival, who knows if singing will be incorporated in the new version. I hope not because Katie cannot sing. For that matter, she's not a good actress. She had a nano second of okay acting on Dawson's Creek in 1998 and a couple of movies that are pretty much forgotten like her marriage to Tammy Cruise.  If you don't believe me, watch the clip below of Katie with Tammy Cruise. In the clip, Katie is singing and acting "What Lola Wants" from the musical Damn Yankees. It's the epitome of cringe and her "sultry acting" is about as sexy as Croc.

 ► Jay Z's "Made In America" music festival in Philadelphia has been cancelled AGAIN. This is the second year in a row it's been cancelled. No reasons were given. Last year, the festival headliners were Lizzo and SZA. But about a month before it was scheduled, it was abruptly cancelled with some bogus reason given of "unforeseen circumstances outside of production control bla bla bla".  That left the Philadelphia mayor and residents disappointed and fans pissed who had purchased tickets. Anyway, the festival began in 2012 and had been held every year except in 2020 due to covid. And of course, the past 2 years because it's anyone's guess why Jay Z and organizers have chucked it to the garbage disposal. BTW, the name "Made In America" sounds like a MAGA rally for the truck & tractor pull crowd. Maybe Jay Z should re-think the nameRead More

Jay Z in 2012 at Made In America festival. Photo: Matt Rourke/AP, file/AP News.com

Comment: If I had to speculate on why it was cancelled, it was probably due to lack of interest and low ticket sales. Music festivals and concerts are expensive ventures. Between paying talent, hiring security, renting the venue, suppliers, vendors, etc. it's a tough business . Plus, the public is fed up paying ridiculous ticket prices and excessive bullshit fees to ticket distributors. IMO, this is Jay Z's way of permanently bailing out on the festival without directly coming out saying so. 


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