OPEN POST: Peckerwood Field Trip-Animal Rock Zoo!

I didn't think this was real until I saw it was in Alabama. Of course! Where else would you find a zoo full of jankily painted rocks that are supposed to look like animals? I know the history behind it sounds sweet; Granpappy saw a boulder in the road, said it looked like a bull, tried to find a professional artist to paint it, couldn't, so, dangit, he did it his own damn self. 

People pay money to come to a zoo with nary an animal to behold but a field of rocks painted by someone who should be banned from every paint store in the universe. There is a level of fun absurdity about it that would be a wacky good time to see when drunk or high and do fucked up photo shoots all over the zoo. Channeling 70s fashion would be our theme. 

Camel toes were the thing in the '70s. Apparently. 

I just wanted to offer you some fashion inspo for the trip. 

Alabama Rock Zoo awaits!

Uncanny resemblance cow seal.

A frog?


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