OPEN POST: Pompous Ass Bobby Flay's Big Stupid Nice Ass House

Like many people of a certain age, my grandma's bullshit threshold was always on the verge of critical mass. If you were lucky, she'd just call you a "shit-ass" and go back to watching Silk Stalkings or old reruns of CHiPs while knitting a 20 foot scarf and smoking Cambridge 100s. But if Bobby Flay happened to show up in something she was watching, whoo boy, the ire ignited in her rivaled that of a captive mountain gorilla who just made direct eye contact with someone's bratty little cum tumor at the zoo.

I was always ready to duck just in case she decided to hurl her ancient set of Conair ceramic hot rollers at the tv, but fortunately, the worst it usually got was just her ranting about what a "pompous ass" she thought he was. And well, Memaw wasn't wrong. So in her honor today, I salute Bobby Flay with two long, hard middle fingers up as I share with you pictures of his $9.25M home that he just put on the market in L.A. *wipes tear, throws poo at the screen*


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