OPEN POST: Playtime At Peckerwood Ranch!

A frequent visitor to Peckerwood Manor, esteemed authoress and detective, Jessica Fletcher, arrived this past weekend not to relax, but to solve a Cabot Cove murder, since she'd reason to believe that her suspect had absconded to Peckerwood. She searched high and low for her culprit, first exploring the Manor's adjacent ranch.

There, she discovered Peckerwood's ranch hands at frolicsome play. Was her murderer hiding in plain sight amongst them? Casting her eyes upon each buckaroo - since her suspect was last spotted wearing only a jock strap with the initials "B2B" on the waistband - she realized that she'd have to wait till the disrobing began, as she knew it would. 

This was Peckerwood, after all, and all the workers, including the cowpoke, inevitably drop trou and rumpy-pumpy while performing their duties. So she wasn't surprised when the ranch hands next doffed their blue jeans. 

Beholding their colorful undies, thongs and jock straps - but frustratingly, no tell-tale initials - she stepped away, headed back toward the manse, and wondered briefly how any chores ever got done at Peckerwood, then shooed the thought away. She had a murderer to catch, and scrutiny of the lives of Peckerwood's coltish ranch hands would have to wait for another day. 


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