EVENING NIGHTCAP: Crocs For Dogs! Oprah's Favorite Things Includes $125 Oven Mitt...seriously.


► First of, a shout-out to the Dlister who said, "Crocs are made in the devil's workshop". I cackle when I think of Crocs. On to our story: Crocs is tag-teaming with Bark, the dog subscription service, to create Crocs For Dogs.  Yes folks, dogs need shoes shaped like a hippo who mated with a clog.  The Croco-Doggo paw wear will cost $50 (unlined) and $65 (lined) and come in 3 sizes, and in 2 colors: Green Slime and Pink Dragon Fruit. But wait...there's more! They also glow in the dark. BTW, if you feel the need to be fashionable alongside your pup, they're selling human versions in the same colors along with charms of popular dog breeds to accessorize your hooves. My only question is: how long would it take for a dog to rip these off?  Read More

Comment:  I gotta admit they're kinda cute. But I would never buy them. If I came home with Crocs for Dogs, my dog would think it was a chew toy. She'd take them and  bury them somewhere in the house where I will never find them. Then, for the next few hours, she would give me a death stare that said, "try that again and I will leave a missile for you to clean up in the hallway".

Finally, there are Crocs for your dog
Crocs for Dogs. Photo: Crocs / Fast Company.com

  two women are fighting each other and one of them is saying `` you said crocs were cool '' .

Crocs for Dogs. Photo: Crocs / Fast Company.com

► The season of capitalism has kicked off with Oprah announcing her "Favorite Things" list.  These are items that Oprah wants us plebs to believe she gives to her friends.  It's more like a list of crap she's getting paid to peddle. The items are being advertised as available on Amazon (with a tiny mention of the creator's / independent seller's website).  Looks like Oprah wants to make Jeff Bezos even richer.  Here are some of the items she's hawking. BTW, I've seen similar jewellery boxes with the ballerina selling for $10 at a thrift shop I occasionally visit.  Read More

  • Oven Mitt, Trivet, and Pan Handle Set (made from used denim):  $125.00
  • Chrissy Teigen Baking Set:  $68.00
  • Aroma Home Diffuser:  $185.00
  • Solar bird feeder:  $180.00
  • Canister of potato chips:  $55.00 
  • Musical jewellery box with interchangeable ballerinas: $65.00

Oprah's 2024 Favorite Things. Photo: Oprah.com

Comment: The oven mitt, trivet, and pan handle are made from used janky-ass used jeans. Yes, you read that correctly...$125 for oven mitt set made from used jeans. Sheesh. There's a sucker born everyday. Anyhoo, I'd like to ask Oprah what is so special about a $55 canister of potato chips? Are they made from magic potatoes that will give me super powers? What's wrong with a $2.99 canister of Pringles? Or a bag of Lay's chips? While I'm at it:  Who needs to spend $180 bird feeder? Does Oprah believe birds will be impressed? I have bird feeders in my yard made from old bottles; and a few "fancy" ones I bought used at garage sales. Birds like them and they don't judge me.  Oprah is so out of touch with reality. 

a woman is making a funny face with the words `` your out of touch with reality '' written next to her .









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