Peckerwood Manor's ELECTION PANIC-A-GOGO!

It's happening right now! This is place to scream about the election; to vent, to rejoice, to grumble, then scream again. I swear, your throat will feel like sandpaper once this day is done.

Have you voted yet? Are you in line? Post pictures! Is your heart skipping beats? Do you fear for the future? Of course you do! But crucially, do you have enough booze and pills to get through this? What, exactly, are you taking or drinking? We want to know. And what are you eating? Are you a sugar or salt whore? We want to know that, too. 

Leave those who'd rather not discuss such matters to our special Election-Free Open Post, since today, for one day only, we're gettin' real and gettin' dirty in our own gasping, shrieking, blood-soaked election post. Hold tight. 



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