OPEN POST: This Genius

That face when you shit your pants and like it

If you combined in a magic caldron one part Monster Energy Drink, two parts kratom, a pack of Newport 100s and a dick pic, you'd get this guy, UK drug dealer Iestyn Raven - followed by instant regret.

Raven, seen here looking like someone whose birth certificate was printed on the back of a restraining order, was recently sentenced to 40 months for being in possession of crack and heroin - and, in a surprise to no one, that's not even remotely the stupidest shit this man's done. No, I'm not talking about his choice to wear that tacky ass gold chain which, YES, offends me to my core. I'm talking about how he filmed and posted himself on a call with Universal Credit (the UK's version of welfare benefits) asking when he'd receive his next payment while literally showing off wads of cash to the camera and laughing. Ever the maker of wise decisions, Temu Chet Hanks also flashed a bunch of jewelry - as if his viewers hadn't suffered enough having to lay eyes upon the aforementioned tacky ass gold chain!

Raven was arrested at a local McDonald's some time after posting the video where I assume he was not lovin' it (sorry). Police recognized him from CCTV footage that showed him buying data for one of the phones he used to deal drugs, noting the man was nothing if not a solid case for swallowing.

BTW, looking for Peckerwood's Weekly Lunocracy Post? It's RIGHT HERE.


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