OPEN POST: How Wacky Is Your Weather This Winter?

It's February is Los Angeles, and while we're used to the warmth, it does actually cool down in the winter months. But today the forecast is for a high of 92 degrees. In February. In Los Angeles. That ain't right. But not to worry, the psychotically spiking temperature is forecasted to plunge tomorrow to 65 degrees. 

Summer temps in winter, snowfall in parts of Texas, record-setting chills in States merely accustomed to cold and snow. Overall, this has been the warmest winter on record - as in ever - but how are things in your hood? Are you buried in snow in a Southern State? Unseasonably warm in the Arctic? "How's the weather?" used to be such a benign question. Not anymore. 

Our weekly Lunocracy post can be found here!


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