Fuck Trump. I can't wait for him to die. No, really.
We're nearing a month into his so-called Presidency and there's already been fire in the sky and fire on the ground. And somehow it's all being blamed on D.E.I. hiring and the Green New Deal. Adding to that? The stupido tariffs against our own allies, which we'll all be paying for - or "the dumbest trade war in history" according to the right-wing Wall Street Journal. You have to wonder if we're being punked, or if a secret MAGA double-agent isn't working on behalf of Democrats in order to tank the Republican presidency.
But the reality is more stark - and horrifying. With his blizzard of law-breaking Presidential executive orders - their sheer volume designed to have at least a handful of them approved by the far-right Supreme Court - Trump is throwing more than spaghetti at the wall, he's throwing away vital civil rights, and possibly, Social Security, Medicaid and any and all social safety net programs within reach. Let them eat cake? Please. Let them Dumpster dive.
Why is this happening, you ask? Because in order to make good on massive tax breaks for the massively rich, and crucially, not raise the deficit to scarifying heights, every element of the government has to be slashed or tossed out. Which means no more expenditures - period - especially for those pesky middle-class and poors. And who better to slash and burn than Trump's new bestie, Musk, who likely explained to him that Twitter is proof of his methods. Twitter, or X, is still up and running, isn't it? It's been reduced to a toilet of vom, desperation and hate, but hey, vom, desperation and hate is for all those tedious lesser-thans. With all those scrumptious personal and corporate tax cuts, the rich can eat all of the cake. They don't even have to share.
The Democrats, as is their wont, are flailing like stuck pigs, doing nothing of note to stave the crisis. So, yes, fuck Trump. I can't wait for him to die. Because in the short term, not only would his death help the country, but it could bring about a blood-curdling, but necessary, reset for both parties. Hang tight. The road ahead looks certain to be a cuntnado of epic proportions.
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