
Showing posts with the label Amy Schumer

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Sharon Osbourne’s 'War' Against Ozempic" By SaucyKitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from SaucyKitty! What’s that saying? If it’s not medically approved for your purpose/needs, then don’t take it? Guess Sharon Osbourne wishes she knew that. Sharon, best known for staying with a batshit crazy rock and roller for aeons, formerly hosting The Talk, not to mention “starring” in a mediocre reality show (really, aren’t they all?) is now on a campaign to get people to stop using Ozempic for weight loss, particularly teenagers. Meanwhile, there is a global shortage of Ozempic. This means that people like FatherSaucyCat (aka my Dad) have to take other diabetes drugs that may not be as well matched to their needs. Dad, for example, is having massive stomach issues with his current diabetes drug. My take? If you are not obese and are just looking to drop 10-20 pounds, you should perhaps try other methods for weight loss. Some people actua

Stars! They're Just Like Us (These Days)! Or Why I'm Very Okay With Charlize!

Are stars "just like us?" Are actors their roles? And are they consistently playing out their own psycho-dramas on screen and in public? In the case of Charlize Theron, it's a fair question to ask. Or put it this way: throughout the years, there may be a reason we haven't seen her playing any of those cute, funny-bunny leading lady roles like Jennifer Lopez or Cameron Diaz (not that there's anything wrong with that), with the exception of a few "pretty girl" roles early in her career in forgettable movies like "Trial and Error" and "Sweet November."  First coming to critical notice in "Monster," in which she obliterated her "pretty girl" looks with weight gain and no make-up in order to portray true-life serial killer, Aileen Wuornos, for which she won a Best Actress Oscar, Charlize has become Hollywood's go-to actress for kicking ass - particularly male ass - either literally, or, in the case of "Bombshel

Kathy Griffin Railed Against Russell Brand - And, Yes, Amy Schumer Just Had To Chime In!

Whatever you may think of Kathy Griffin as a comic, no one will argue that she's been through it, from enduring Trump's near ruinous government harassment to a cancer diagnosis to MAGA trolls trying to drag her down. But she keeps on keepin' on. And so when Kathy had something to say about anti-vax bro rapist Russell Brand, you best believe I listened. It was not pretty. But then Kathy is in that hallowed no-fucks-left-to-give phase of her career, which means she'll tell us the truth no matter how difficult it may be.  According to Kathy on her social media feeds , Russell Brand's creeptastic, dick weasel ways have long been known on the comedy circuit and behind the scenes - for almost a decade. But there's good news. Kathy promises that there's "many more coming" in terms of victims stepping forward. "It's taken forever to catch up with that sleaze bag," she says, then recounts a time when a friend of hers ran into Russell at an A