Kathy Griffin Railed Against Russell Brand - And, Yes, Amy Schumer Just Had To Chime In!

Whatever you may think of Kathy Griffin as a comic, no one will argue that she's been through it, from enduring Trump's near ruinous government harassment to a cancer diagnosis to MAGA trolls trying to drag her down. But she keeps on keepin' on. And so when Kathy had something to say about anti-vax bro rapist Russell Brand, you best believe I listened. It was not pretty. But then Kathy is in that hallowed no-fucks-left-to-give phase of her career, which means she'll tell us the truth no matter how difficult it may be. 

According to Kathy on her social media feeds, Russell Brand's creeptastic, dick weasel ways have long been known on the comedy circuit and behind the scenes - for almost a decade. But there's good news. Kathy promises that there's "many more coming" in terms of victims stepping forward. "It's taken forever to catch up with that sleaze bag," she says, then recounts a time when a friend of hers ran into Russell at an AA meeting, said hello, only to have him abruptly grab her and grind his groin against her. 

"You don't hear this shit about Judi Dench," Kathy added, listing other female stars, like Julianne Moore, who have not been sexually assaulting their co-stars or crew members. "Wait, is this true?" you ask. Why, yes, it is, because - and I'm making a truly wild generalization here, so stay with me - women do not rape people. Insert "The More You Know* gif. 

As stomach-churning as it is to have Russell's awfulness confirmed by yet another source, it's almost as awful when alleged comedian Amy Schumer butts her head in and makes it all about her. 

On Kathy's Instagram post, Amy commented, "I hope to some day earn as much as the rapists and transphobes in the game." Okay, fine. Middling joke, though appropriate to the topic. But hold on, horsey. "We have to fight for ourselves," she continued. "It's just like a part of my story that I've taken jokes from other comics and I have never in my life even once done that." Is this a gag? Hard to tell with Amy! Is she comparing women being raped to all the (credible) joke-stealing accusations she's faced? My mind is reeling. What am I missing? I've been bouncing back and forth: she's serious, it's a dopey joke; she's serious, it's a dopey joke. 

Then it finally hit me. Let this be a lesson to us all. When someone tells you their thoughts on rape and rape culture, respond in kind with a subject unrelated to rape and make it all about you. And, hey, who cares if it's a joke or not? You may not endear yourself to anyone, but we'll have confirmation at last (for the millionth time in Amy's case) that you are a wretched butinski. Not as deserving of hell as, say, Russell, but keep going, Amy. You're definitely within sniffing distance. 

Photo Credits: Kathy Griffon/Instagram


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