Courtney Stodden at 29 and She's All Grown Up! (she refers to herself as she)
To be totally transparent, I used to say terrible things about Courtney Stodden when she first came on the scene at sixteen, married to Doug Hutchinson and hamming it up for cameras. She appeared so over the top and in our faces in the tackiest hooker wear and hair dyed platinum blonde, with fake breasts and shoes that looked like they were part of the Fredericks Collection. The whole thing was repulsive and unsavory. I felt filthy simply reading about her or looking at photos, especially with her (hork)husband. The late 2000s and early 2010s were like the Wild West, and people said whatever was on their minds. Filter?! What fucking filter! This was another time when things were more complicated, and most of society ignored feminism, gender, grooming, or people's feelings. Harvey Weinstein was the most powerful man in Hollywood, and Brangelina had people slugging it out in comment sections all over the globe. We didn't give a damn if it hurt someone's feelings; we were goin...