
Showing posts with the label Is She Serious?

Paris Hilton Needs Attention. Claims (AGAIN) She Created Selfies.

  Paris Hilton gif courtesy of: Back in 2017, Paris Hilton decided to stake her claim in the history of inventions by claiming she invented the selfie. Well, fast forward to 2023 and she's at it AGAIN. It seems like Paris Hilton is doing whatever it takes to rehab her image and make a comeback on the pop culture scene. Ugh, I know. She can't seem to take a hint that she's about as relevant these days as fax machine. Because the 42 year old Queen of Valtrex can't seem to take a hint and just go away, she went on Twitter to make the outlandish claim - again -  that SHE, along with Britney Spears, invented the selfie. She posted this on Twitter: "17 years ago, Britney and I created the selfie! Tag me with your most epic selfies to celebrate the most iconic invention".  Paris Hilton is claiming she invented the selfie when she took this photo back in 2017. Image: USA Today Um, no. First of, I can think of thousands of other things that have been i

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Julia Fox, Famewhore or Fashion-Forward Martyr?" by Saucy Kitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Saucy Kitty! It seems as if everybody has a memoir out nowadays, but maybe that’s because the three latest memoir authors, Britney Spears, Jada Pinkett-Smith and John Stamos have been blabbing all over the place to any media outlet that will give them coverage. But did we know that Julia Fox also put out her memoir in October? No? Maybe it’s because nobody cares now that she’s not “dating” Kanye.  Or maybe it's because she’s such a glamourpuss that we mere mortals can’t see her by way of our own, surely busted fashun radars. Regardless, Julia has put out a book, which is quite aptly named, “Down the Drain,” as that’s where I wish she’d go every time her weirdly “toned” body and “daring fashion choices” hit my screen. Even before the book was released, Julia herself proclaimed it to be "a masterpiece," which almost seems like