
Showing posts with the label Kelly Clarkson

OPEN POST: Kelly Clarkson Became The First "American Idol" 22-Years Ago!

It happened 22 years ago this month. Before she had a talk show, before she divorced the husband-from-hell, and back when cable and network TV could still unite us all, Kelly Clarkson became the first prize winner on "American Idol." Was it a more innocent time? Not necessarily, but Paula Abdul was a loopy, pill-popping delight (allegedly), Simon Cowell hadn't yet undergone a head transplant, and Randy Jackson was the cause of everyone and your grandmother saying, "Sorry, it's not for me, dog." Second prize winner, Justin Guarini, has gone on to enjoy a more than respectable career on Broadway , and the rest of them? My mind has flushed them away. But I'll always remember Kelly's first prize rendition of "A Moment Like This." My eyes misted up when I first saw it, didn't yours? The genuine emotion of it has never been surpassed, I don't think, by any talent competition show since.  Photo Credit: Reuters

OPEN POST: In the Age of Oversharing, Kelly Clarkson's Overshare

Some fans or those made aware of this habit think it might just be Kelly being nasty. Maybe. That is for you to judge. I already harshly judged it and felt suddenly transported into the body of Emily Post mixed with A Victorian Dowager with a sprinkling of Miss Manners. I am well aware that we all have different shower habits; for some people, the shower doubles as the place to do everything they can to save a few precious minutes.  In my life, showers are simply a place to wash my body and hair, wash my partner's body, or for slutty sexy times. For Kelly, it is an all-in-one experience. Personally, that is something that made me shake my head and question her need to profess this to the world. Why must you, Kelly? What compels thee? The same obtuse brain glitch that made Jennifer Lawrence tell the universe that she's urinated in sinks? Now Kelly lets us know to steer clear of her showers.  We undoubtedly live in an age where oversharing is the norm. People have all sorts of TM

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Sharon Osbourne’s 'War' Against Ozempic" By SaucyKitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from SaucyKitty! What’s that saying? If it’s not medically approved for your purpose/needs, then don’t take it? Guess Sharon Osbourne wishes she knew that. Sharon, best known for staying with a batshit crazy rock and roller for aeons, formerly hosting The Talk, not to mention “starring” in a mediocre reality show (really, aren’t they all?) is now on a campaign to get people to stop using Ozempic for weight loss, particularly teenagers. Meanwhile, there is a global shortage of Ozempic. This means that people like FatherSaucyCat (aka my Dad) have to take other diabetes drugs that may not be as well matched to their needs. Dad, for example, is having massive stomach issues with his current diabetes drug. My take? If you are not obese and are just looking to drop 10-20 pounds, you should perhaps try other methods for weight loss. Some people actua