Cher Is Being "Hollywood Normal" And I Don't Like It At All!
Cher was 40 years old when she was banging her 22 year-old boyfriend, "Bagel Boy," aka Rob Camilletti, back in 1986. "Good for her!" people said at the time, because why shouldn't she be thunderpumping on a hot Italian piece? Cher is now 77 years-old and granny-dipping on 37 year-old Alexander Edwards, a VP at Def Jam Records. That'a 40-year age difference for those of you can't count. "Good for her!" absolutely no one is saying, because while their coupling is not as eeow as Vadge getting her meat hangers stirred by 29 year-old "athlete," Josh Popper - a name made for peen-slapping OnlyFans videos - this is Cher we're talking about, a national treasure. We do not want to cringe when it comes to Cher. As you'll recall, the world collectively shrieked, "Cher! No! Don't do it!" when she became engaged to Edwards back in 2022, or so it seemed. Was Cher losing it? Did she have Eldermentia or a serious case of Stupi...