
Showing posts with the label fame

Toxic Superfans and Twisted Worship

Jezebel had a headline last week that the coverage of Taylor's new relationship was starting to get weird. Huh? The coverage of her has been strange for years, and I have never understood it. It started being weird almost a decade ago. Why? I rarely contemplate or question the fervor over this woman, mainly because it feels so manipulative and orchestrated, and I have always thought she came off as a mean, spoiled, backstabbing, popular high school homecoming queen who bullies people and stays forever 16. Still, she is everywhere all the time doing nothing notable, so it is hard to ignore her even when I actively work hard to do it. I really don't give two damns who she pretends to fuck or fucks for real or contracts or blackmails to be her partner in pap strolling. I don't even like her music because, to me, it is formulaic and boring, and her songwriting reminds me of the overwrought poetry we wrote in 9th grade, heartbroken because your boyfriend has decided (sob)

Heidi, Kate and Denise, 3 mothers, 3 spawn and no charisma

As we continue down the lane of mothers shamelessly showing off their daughters, we have two mothers dying to make their daughters Supermodels and one...I don't know what the hell the other wants except to make her daughter relevant. Gwyneth has shown off Apple, Jessica Simp, and her kid. I forget her name, and I don't care enough to look for it; Reece and Ava, and others who seem to have no clue how basic their kids are. Now, this trio has thrown their girls into the mix, and either these three mothers have cases of collective broken objective charisma gauges, or they are hoping we won't notice. We notice. Boy, have we noticed that they are pushing these potato children into the limelight with big ugly roundhouse kicks, flinging them without talent or accomplishments into the bright, unforgiving lights of fame. Denise's daughter, Sami, plans on a soft porn career on Only Fans, and to boost revenue, Denise is threatening to join her. Her daughter's last name is She