
Showing posts with the label love

OPEN POST: Aspen and Juniper Beaver's Love Story

It didn't seem like Aspen and Juniper would ever be the couple the Smithsonian Zoo hoped they would be. You see, Juniper is only one year old, and Aspen is the older gentleman with a broken heart. His former partner died and left him to fend for himself as a bachelor. His former wife wasn't all that loving or kind, so Aspen has never really known real monogamous beaver love. It said she tolerated him but was indifferent to his presence.  Enter the young cutie Juniper, who arrived just to make sure Aspen didn't perish from loneliness or too much time as a singleton. After a long period of time meeting between the mesh fence, the fence was lifted, and...Aspen, the cad, bit Juniper on her tail. Naughty boy, but we must forgive him. He has pent-up anger toward the girls because of his, let's face it, emotionally abusive former partner.  Back to the mesh between them and another introduction process that cat owners know well. Let them mark each other's territory and get

OPEN POST: Lost Baby Elephant Rescued and Reunited

Why not have some warm fuzzies on a Monday? If you are like me and love animals more than people, then this story is for you. If you wonder if you have a heart, well, this litmus test will answer that question. A little baby elephant is reunited in danger and lost from her herd, but if the herd smells human on her, she won't be accepted back.  See? Even elephants know human beings are garbage and a scourge to the earth. Well, okay, 90 percent of people are, but elephants aren't taking any chances, just in case. Reject all of us and keep it simple. 

Caturday and Sunday Pups Will Return Next Week! Peckerwood Cafe Will Return Too!

The Holiday Season has a hooker worn out. My kids are off from school, and with my son home, I needed to spend all my extra time with each of them. I didn't write much, but I have an article for next week on Caturday as usual. I will work on one for the Pups. My next Cafe article will be about budget fast meals and what to stock in your pantry. I hope for the celebrity news to get juicy again. So much Taylor Swift/koven/reality stars news is everywhere. I will be back with my article, some serious and some light. Don't worry, we will keep this place going. We are here to stay. You all are a treasure in my life. Love to each one of you, and I mean everyone. 

Post A Pup Sundays! Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward (photos)

  I was going to do a profile of Paul Newman (I still will), but there were so many adorable photos I decided to share them. I hope you are all having a Happy Sunday! You can see that they really enjoyed their dogs, and it was a passion they shared.                                  

Animals Rule The World (they should) If this doesn't make you smile you are officially dead. RIP

Get those pup posts ready for tomorrow, and in anticipation, I bring you this wonderful video about pups and our bond with our babies. This should brighten your weekend and kick it off with warm fuzzies. We may think we choose them when really they choose us, and it can be wonderful when they do.