Is Bryan Fuller, Creator Of TV's "Hannibal," Going Down The #MeToo Drain?

Remember Josh Whedon, creator of TV's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and a purported male paragon of feminism? And, oh, yes, he was later known for being viciously misogynist and fat-phobic to the women who worked for him - particularly terrified young actresses - and for creating a hostile work environment. Remember now? You know, that fucktard. Though this briefly stalled Whedon's career, it's far from over, 'cause really, what's a li'l misogyny on set when there's mooolah to be made?

Could the same, briefly inconvenient fate be in store for Bryan Fuller? Fuller, as you may know, has worked variously as a writer, executive producer and showrunner for TV shows such as "Pushing Daisies," “Hannibal," "American Gods," and many more. Fanboys love his work. They've even coined the term, "Fullerverse," to denote all the shows he's worked on (because that's what fanboys do). 

Unfortunately, #MeToo has reared it's ugly head with Fuller, who was recently hit with a lawsuit, along with AMC and Shudder, by producer Sam Wineman, who worked for Fuller on "Queer For Fear," a documentary series about queer representation in horror movies. And, yes, Wineman claims that he was sexually harassed and assaulted by Fuller while working on the show. This allegedly included Fuller talking to him relentlessly about the types of porn he liked to masturbate to - including adult/child porn stories! - and talking repeatedly about his own erect penis. There was also the time when he allegedly offered to crack Wineman's back to help him relax, but before Wineman could object to this offer, Fuller grabbed him from behind and jammed his penis against Wineman's ass. Wineman's suit says that all of Fuller's grotesque, abusive behavior was well known to the grand poobahs at AMC and Shudder, but they ignored Wineman's pleas. To top it off, Fuller allegedly canned Wineman from the show ahead of schedule as retaliation. 

Naturally, Fuller's spokeswhore has stated that they're getting ready to sue Wineman for defamation - so there! - a ploy increasingly used by those credibly, or at least believably, accused, like Lizzo. I say "believably," because Fuller has long been rumored to be the gay version of Josh Whedon in terms of creating a hostile work environment (and worse) on his shows. Is it any wonder that Fuller’s besties with Bryan Singer, with whom he'd wanted to reboot "The Munsters" with? Just sayin'. Birds of a fucktard feather 'n such. 

Frankly, I'm happy when the fat hits the fire like this. #MeToo hasn't solved everything - far from it! - but it is making it somewhat easier for people to speak out, and not just about sexual harassment (see Scott Rudin). Time will tell if Wineman's accusations are accurate, but for now, I'm very much willing to listen. And maybe, just maybe, if it turns out to be true, Fuller won't only be briefly inconvenienced like Whedon. 

Photo Credits: Getty Images, NBC


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