THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Work That Dicksux" By Asparagus Pee!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Asparagus Pee!

Hello from the land of Asparagus Pee! I know you all know how to suq diq...but do you know how to Disqus? 

Lucky you, I’m here to help. Today I’m going to give you some quick tips and tricks to make your comments more interactive, and answer some frequently asked questions about the platform we affectionately call Dicksux, its features, and how to make them work for you. So stick around and I’ll give you the down and dirty on Tagging, Blocking, and Adding Pics and GIFs.


So you wanna tag a Pecker in your comment? There are a couple ways to do this, depending on where you’re viewing from. If you’re on your computer or on your phone in "Desktop Mode" you can type @ in the comment box and the people currently active in the thread will pop up. Select who you’re looking for and it’ll tag them for you. 

If that doesn’t work, or the person you’re trying to tag isn’t active, you can open their Disqus page in another tab to get their full @ name. Note: it needs to be the @ from their Disqus page, not just their screen name. 

Copy and paste the full @ name and add :disqus after it. Boom. Tagged.


Now that you can find the people you want, what about people you want to block? Say you’re a shareholder for GAP and Caza86 has offended you here. Just click on those three dots to the right and Block User. 

You can also Flag As Inappropriate if the comment is racist, phobic, misogynist, etc, and a Mod will look into it. As for the blocked user, they're going to show up thereafter as Content Unavailable. 

You’ll no longer have to see their posts unless you log out of Disqus and they won't be able to see yours.

✳️There is a Disqus glitch that happens when you load more comments where you cannot see who everyone is replying to. There’s nothing after the little arrow to know who the post came from. This doesn’t mean you’re blocked by them, it’s a blip in Disqus’s code. Refresh the page or re-sort by Best/Newest/Oldest and you should be able to see the original comment.


Moving right along. You’ve found the hottest pic of Sam Smith you’ve ever seen and you’ve tagged RichBitch in your comment. Now you need to add the photo to your comment. Save the pic to your device then click on the Add Photo button. 

Disqus will link that pic into your comment. 

This is the same way you’re going to add GIF images from your own device, too. If you’re not into cluttering up your hard drive with side eye and table flipping gifs, Disqus has their own little farm of funny moving pics. Click the GIF* button. Type in the sentiment or expression you’re looking for and scroll to the one you like. 

I hope all this makes sense and that it alleviates some of the frustration with Dicksux’s limitations. Don’t @ me, hors! Although, now you know how. 


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