
Showing posts with the label RichBitch

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Work That Dicksux" By Asparagus Pee!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Asparagus Pee! Hello from the land of Asparagus Pee! I know you all know how to suq diq...but do you know how to Disqus?  Lucky you, I’m here to help. Today I’m going to give you some quick tips and tricks to make your comments more interactive, and answer some frequently asked questions about the platform we affectionately call Dicksux, its features, and how to make them work for you. So stick around and I’ll give you the down and dirty on Tagging, Blocking, and Adding Pics and GIFs. TAGGING:  So you wanna tag a Pecker in your comment? There are a couple ways to do this, depending on where you’re viewing from. If you’re on your computer or on your phone in "Desktop Mode" you can type @ in the comment box and the people currently active in the thread will pop up. Select who you’re looking for and it’ll tag them for you.  If that

OPEN POST: Featuring The Scandalous Lives Of The Manor's Servants!

Most esteemed Peckerwood residents and lucky visitors have no idea what the servants are up to - and indeed, barely notice them, as they're highly discreet and unfailingly professional, for only the finest are allowed to serve at the Manor. Yet far below the main floor exists a steamy caldron of servant intrigue and hijinks, especially near the staff laundry facilities and hot water boiler.  For residents and guests who would like a soiree with a Peckerwood servant, please understand that this is a strict no-no during their regular working hours (we're talking to you, RichBitch!). After-hours is up to them, of course, but be forewarned, do not make them late for their next shift or you will be deducted 15 Peckerpoints™, which, for one week's time, will mean no wine and ganja, restricted playtime with the Manor's kitties, ducklings and puppies, and absolutely no entry to the thrice weekly Bendy Boy™ show. And nobody wants that. Please make a note of this.