YOU'RE GETTING OLDER, DEAR: Madonna's "Borderline" Is 40 Years Old This Week!

Lift that wheelbarrow-full of Werther's, my dear, because you're getting older. Or rather, Madonna is getting older - you and I remain spring freshets - because 40-years ago this week, (yes, 40!), Madonna released "Borderline," the fourth single from her first LP, "Madonna." It was her break-out single, or rather, the one that got her noticed not just by gay and Black record buyers, who were onto her well before, but by all the muddled masses. 

At the time, critics hailed her "soulful" vocal performance. I'm not kidding. Conversely, it was around this time that Mick Jagger publicly noted that she sounded like "Minnie Mouse on helium." But this may have been sour grapes on Mick's part, since years previous in 1978, according to the very juicy "Jagger Unauthorized" by Christopher Anderson, she rode his baloney pony at his Plaza Hotel suite, and the next morning, sashayed away, but not before telling him, "One day I'll be just as rich and famous as you. Just you wait and see." He later famously remarked that she had "a thimble full of talent in an ocean of ambition." How right he was, and it was "Borderline" which cinched the deal. From then on, she was mass-market goods. Oh, and kudos to the 45" single's photo retoucher who smoothed her out and almost made her look waspy. 

For my part, I was just a Wee Bree at the time and remember giggling when she showed that dullsville British photographer who the real rEbEl GiRl was by spray painting his studio and making a b-line for that hot, humping-and-bumping Latino dancer guy. The lessons we learn as children! By the way, the hot Latino guy was pony-tailed pop singer Louis Louise, who had a minor hit in 1990 with "Sittin' In The Lap Of Luxury" (with Dizzy Gillespie on trumpet!). And, yes, of course I would have. 

As for the "Borderline" video, it was directed by Mary Lambert, who used it as a springboard for a minor career as the director of "Pet Semetary" (the original), more music videos, and "Siesta," a near unwatchable movie with Ellen Barkin that I paid good money for in the movie theatre and I still want my money back (and the money for the popcorn and Coke, too!) (and the subway token!). Take a moment to behold the "Borderline" video, and do take heart. However old you get, your poot box will never be as mammoth as Madonna's is today. Too mean? Yes, of course, it is. But then I suppose all that helium and ambition had to go somewhere. 

Where were you when this ode to papi chulo dancers was released? And were you just squealing for Vadge's East Village thrift store look? 


Photo Credit: Sire/Warner Bros.


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