OPEN POST: Start Your Week With Cher! Hoooooooooo!

It's Monday, which is harsh enough. But everything's better with one simple ingredient: Cher. See? Just reading that made you feel good. 

Did you know? She was almost cast in "Thelma & Louise." No, for reals. Before Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis were cast, she was offered one of the lead roles, but turned it down. Why? We don't know. Cher will be Cher. She also turned down the Sarah Connor role in "The Terminator." Can you imagine Cher opposite Ah-nold? Yeah, that's a "no" for me, dawg.

Also, for better or for worse, her 1998 hit “Believe” was the first major pop song to use autotune so prominently, a style which is still widely used and abused today. The only upside is that "Believe" really pissed off Madonna, since she was experimenting with autotune in the studio for her forthcoming "Music" album and Cher beat her to the punch. 

Why? Because she's Cher. Because Cher has always been unapologetically herself, which is something we should all strive for. No, not being Cher, silly, being ourselves, though if you feel moved to sashay forth today in a slinky, Bob Mackie-like gown, let 'er rip. 


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