
Showing posts with the label Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith Likes It Parked In The Rear! So Says His Former Assistant!

Oh, dear. This is not turning out to be a good year for bitch-slapping Will Smith, that cuckold fool who's been secret-separated from his adoring wife, or Tupac's true love, Jada Pinkett, for the past seven years. "Why did they separate?" you ask. His former assistant, someone called Brother Bilaal, may have the answer, because he just revealed that he once walked in on Will doing  le butt sex corn-holio with Duane Martin, his "Fresh Prince From Bel-Air" co-star. And allegedly, for those who want to know the deets, Duane was the corn  and Will was the holio in this scandalous greeking Weinergate, according to Bilaal, who adds that Duane was flat-out "murdering" Will's badonkadonk. To be honest, it sounds kinda hot and I'd like to see the video, thankyew. If it's true - if, mind you - than it's quite the comeuppance for an actor who once refused to be filmed kissing his male co-star in the movie, "Six Degrees Of Separation,&quo

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Julia Fox, Famewhore or Fashion-Forward Martyr?" by Saucy Kitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Saucy Kitty! It seems as if everybody has a memoir out nowadays, but maybe that’s because the three latest memoir authors, Britney Spears, Jada Pinkett-Smith and John Stamos have been blabbing all over the place to any media outlet that will give them coverage. But did we know that Julia Fox also put out her memoir in October? No? Maybe it’s because nobody cares now that she’s not “dating” Kanye.  Or maybe it's because she’s such a glamourpuss that we mere mortals can’t see her by way of our own, surely busted fashun radars. Regardless, Julia has put out a book, which is quite aptly named, “Down the Drain,” as that’s where I wish she’d go every time her weirdly “toned” body and “daring fashion choices” hit my screen. Even before the book was released, Julia herself proclaimed it to be "a masterpiece," which almost seems like

Huzzah! It's National Bologna Day! The Meat, Of Course, Plus Other Things That Qualify!

Fancy some sliced cow scrotum? Don't get me started on how bologna is made or what goes into it, just know that I can't recall the last time I ate it - and I'd like to keep it that way. As a wee kidlet, sandwiches with two slices of bologna, one slice of Kraft American cheese and a slathering of French's yellow mustard (on Wonder bread)  (of course!) were a lunchtime treat at the Bree Daniels household, each one lovingly prepared by Mama Daniels with a Misty Lights ciggie dangling from her lower lip. This was just before her and Papa Daniels gave up the coffin nails for jogging - relentlessly; morning and evening! - since everyone on earth took up jogging at the time, including President Carter. They even bought " The Complete Book Of Running ," by Jamie F. Fixx. Never mind that Fixx died of a heart attack at age 52 on one of his runs. Can we blame it on the bologna? Even if you don't eat bologna, many things are "full of bologna," or "a bun

Jada Throws Will Under The Bus! Or How To Make "Relevant" Roadkill!

“I was really worried for him,” said Jada Pinkett-Smith recently while horing out her new tell-everything book. She was referring to Will Smith, of course, who leaped on the stage at the 2022 Oscars and whacked Chris Rock across the noggin. You remember, don’t you? The whack in question transpired just after he’d hollered, “Keep my wife’s name out of your fuckin’ mouth!” To which Jada now says, “I was shocked, because, mind you, we hadn’t called each other husband and wife in a long time.”  And with those two comments, Jada has coolly hurled Will under the bus, first by implying that he was bonkers with her “worried” comment, then by allowing the bus to both run him over and back up, finishing the job, by revealing that they’d been separated for 7 long years, by which she means to say that when Will referred to her as his “wife,” he wasn't just being an assclown and a liar, he’d gone full-on Britney. This is not a surprise. Jada's ruthless, naked over-eagerness to remain in the

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "When Celebrity Children Promote Illegal Drugs" by Emma (aka The Tennis Chick)!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from  filthy  esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Emma (aka The Tennis Chick):    Jaden Smith didn't say exactly how old he was when his mother Jada Pinkett introduced him and his siblings to the use of a means for getting along with each other. Mama Smith does not confirm or deny any of this, saying only that we'll have to wait for her upcoming memoir entitled “Worthy.” Which of course it is.    I wondered if Jaden was possibly a teenager or even younger at the time based on his revelations at the June 2023 "Psychedelic Conference" in Denver, for which he was (ahem) a featured guest. Jaden stated, ”Siblings can argue so much and fight so much, and lord knows me and my siblings have done so much of that in the past. But the level of love and empathy that I can feel for them inside of the (psychedelic) experiences and outside of the experiences has been