
Showing posts with the label You're Kidding Right?

TREND ALERT: Primal Fitness (cue the Palaeolithic era)

Photo: Primal Movement Academy What do you call lifting, carrying, crawling, pushing, pulling, throwing, running, squatting, and jumping? If you're over the age of 40 - it's called exercise.  If you're a pretentious IG or Tik Tok twit, you label it as primal fitness.  Wait a second: is this what moronic influencers do all day? Sit around thinking of vacuous new names for existing things? Is this their sole focus of their existence? Ugh. Back to the story. The new trend among the pretentious and gullible is an exercise routine these posers define as, "foundational movement patterns to increase efficiency in everyday life." Huh? From what I was able gather, the patterns include pushing, pulling, rotation, and a bunch of other nonsense. Um, isn't this what in the old days was referred to as cross-functional or strength training?  I guess the IG and Tik Tok crowd need to put their own spin on it to make it sound fashionable. In a Muscle & Fitness article, Dan

CEO & C-Suite Team Building Soars to New Heights: A Commentary

  There are some who like company team building activities and retreats. There are others, like me, that dread them. I find them a waste of time and money. While I'm all for a having a work environment where people get along, my attitude about work is simple: do a good job that I'm proud of, do my best to get along with others, and be left alone. I'm not there to be a 24/7 sibling of the workplace family. Team building for peons tend consist of activities that range the gamut to make companies feel good. Examples of team building events I've had to endure include shitty pizza in a conference room with department cohorts where you're forced to listen to a motivational speaker drone on for hours followed by a kumbaya sing-a-long; or going offsite for the day and being forced to participate in "Corporate Olympics" where I cursed the day I joined the organization.  CEOs and C-suite execs don't do that kind of stuff. The latest team building trend among ove

The original 1973 Exorcist is getting a rebootish trilogy. Why??

  First of, I had no idea a reboot /sequel was in the works to the original 1973 The Exorcist, let alone a trilogy. Since the original movie was released almost 50 years ago, there has been a crapload of awful sequels and even a TV series made and all of them have failed miserably. So why the heck does Hollywood think rebooting a classic and then to add insult to injury, make it a trilogy is a good idea? Do Hollywood execs think people will be clamoring to see this garbage? Answer: Hollywood doesn't have any integrity. They keep tampering with the classics because studios are lazy. The movie industry has turned into an assembly line of cheap goods. Rant over. The Exorcist: Believer is a rebootish sequel to the original 1973 movie that starred Ellen Burnstyn, Linda Blair, and Max Von Sydow.  In this new sequel, Ellen Burnstyn reprises her role as the mom to Linda Blair's character of Regan, the daughter who became possessed by a demon. BTW, Linda Blair is not in this mess. The s

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Elon Musk's Flying Car!

Chitty Chitty Boom Splat! That's the flesh-ripping, skull-crunching sound you'll likely hear if flying cars ever come to pass. Because gravity, she is a mean girl. Just ask the Challenger astronauts! (what, too soon?) But that's not stopping Alef Aeronautics, an Elon Musk Space-X funded start up, which - incredibly - has just gotten approval for test flights from the FAA.  So let's see, we've got Elon Musk (who, when he bought Twitter, labeled himself "Chief Twit") (points for accuracy!) (and who's currently in a dick spat with Mark Zuckerberg ); we've got Alef, which is still so desperate for cash they're soliciting on their web site; and, oh, yes, did I mention gravity ? S o I ask the ubiquitous question: What could go wrong?  Alef boasts that its car is "environmentally friendly!" Really? Does it run on Elon's butt clappers? Because that ain't clean. And, sure, maybe I'm being a buzzkill, but just imagine the drunk driv

FASHION ALERT: Today In "Kinky" New Outwear For Men!

What will adorable straight men wear next? Personally, I never would have guessed keys. From the 1950s through the 70's, when gheys wore keys as outerwear, it signified sexy times, or rather, if you wore them on the right side, it meant you were passive, on the left, dominant (or maybe it was the other way around?) (there were a lot of rules back then and I honestly don't know how anyone kept track).  But in an amusing twist, The Wall Street Journal , of all places, is reporting that the "hot new trend" for straight men (pictured above) is to wear keys hanging from belt loops, even going so far as to call it, "Kind of kinky! Swashbuckling! A peacocking statement!" I'm not joking. They may as well just scream, "It means you have a taco hammer!" Never mind that bikers, as wells as plumbers and other laborers, have been "peacocking" with outerwear keys forever, even before the gheys, but  The Wall Street Journal  credits this modern key