Peckerwood Cafe: Open for Business. Lets Talk About Food.


Yes, you read that right. We are opening the cafe for business. We will meet here 2 or 3 nights a week and discuss food, what we ate that day, what we love to eat, diets, recipes for food and drinks, restaurants, tips, and food stories. If it has to do with food, bring it here. I have yet to iron out which days for this post would be best but feel free to add some suggestions you would love to see on these posts. If we post recipes from sites please post a photo to keep the thread colorful and appetizing. If you have a recipe you like but want to ask our opinions, that is great. We love and talk about the food here a lot, so why not get together and eat!

So the questions I have for our Inaugural Post are these:

  • Do you like to cook?
  • What topics would you love to have on the days this is posted?
  • Would you like to become a better cook?
  • Top Three Ethnic Foods you love?
  • How old were you when you started cooking?
  • What type of diet are you on? 
  • What would you like to see on these posts?
  • Your signature dish?
  • Favorite Beverage?
  • If you could go to three restaurants in the entire world, what would they be?
This is a way to get to know each other better through food. One of the ways I show people that I love and care about them is to nurture them with food. My kitchen is a place people love to gather because I purposely decorated it to be inviting and comforting. 

My food journey started at 5 years old, making scrambled cheese eggs for myself, and I found something I have loved ever since. I have become an excellent cook, and over the years, I have many recipes I invented and some favorites from the internet. I would love to get even better at cooking and growing food, but I need more time to maintain a garden. My top 3 ethnic foods are Mexican, Spanish, and French, though they are closely followed by various others. There is no food type I don't like, and I can't follow any kind of diet that restricts anything. I just love to eat everything, so that ain't happening. My signature dishes may be tamales, cassoulet, and paella. I love red wine and martinis. I would like to try so many restaurants it is hard to name three, from food carts to fancypants Michelin-starred places.

There is my story; how about yours?


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