Would You Like To Write For Peckerwood Manor?

Hey, chickens, we're looking for some fab new writers to pen a few deliriously kicky posts on a semi-regular basis. Isn't that exciting (say, "yes")? We know you have urgent and, yes, deep thoughts regarding celebrities, fashion and varied sexual kinks 'n' such, so why not get up from your desk (that's you above) and get to typing? It's funzy, plus you'll be famous, celebrated and held in highest esteem. Actually, you'll more likely feel a bit soiled, but that can be funzy, too, you little strumpet.

Here's how it works. Simply submit your proposed post (just the text) to Fleurofthemanor@protonmail.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can, which is usually pretty quick. We may at times do a very light copy-edit of your post before hitting the publish button, or we may kindly ask you to do a quickie rewrite of certain sentences - mostly if something's unclear - but beyond that, it's all you-you-you for all the world to see and read. Don't be shy, don't overthink it. Generally speaking, no topic is off the table. And remember, we'll help you every step of the way. Are you not intrigued?

Just imagine, your filthy thoughts being published alongside esteemed Manor peckers and muffs (and everything in-between). Your mother will never speak to you again!


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