
Showing posts with the label Dumbasses

TREND ALERT: Primal Fitness (cue the Palaeolithic era)

Photo: Primal Movement Academy What do you call lifting, carrying, crawling, pushing, pulling, throwing, running, squatting, and jumping? If you're over the age of 40 - it's called exercise.  If you're a pretentious IG or Tik Tok twit, you label it as primal fitness.  Wait a second: is this what moronic influencers do all day? Sit around thinking of vacuous new names for existing things? Is this their sole focus of their existence? Ugh. Back to the story. The new trend among the pretentious and gullible is an exercise routine these posers define as, "foundational movement patterns to increase efficiency in everyday life." Huh? From what I was able gather, the patterns include pushing, pulling, rotation, and a bunch of other nonsense. Um, isn't this what in the old days was referred to as cross-functional or strength training?  I guess the IG and Tik Tok crowd need to put their own spin on it to make it sound fashionable. In a Muscle & Fitness article, Dan

Burning Man Gets Washed Out

  Photo: Trevor Hughes / USA Today Network Who didn't see this coming. About 8 days ago, Hurricane Hillary hit the Los Angeles area which caused a lot of rain and flooding. It turned into a tropical storm system as it slooowly moved out of the area and towards Nevada where it impacted and changed the weather. Forecasters were sounding the alarm of potential record setting rain and flooding for the area where Burning Man is held, from August 27 - September 4. Do you think festival organizers and attendees cared? NOPE. For the past few days, images have been shown revelers stuck in downpours and mud. People were told to ration water, food, and fuel because the roads became impassable unless you had a heavy duty 4-wheel drive vehicle. According to reports, up to 70,000 attendees are stuck with the only way to get out is to walk. And walking is what some celebs did. Diplo posted videos of he and Chris Rock walking 6 miles until they were spotted by a fan who picked them up and took the

Bradley Cooper is getting a crap for his ridiculous use of prosthetics in his latest Oscar-bait movie

  Various news outlets  - along with social media uproar - are reporting that Bradley Cooper is being dragged for using a ridiculously large fake nose in his latest Oscar bait Netflix movie "Maestro". Bradley stars, co-wrote, and directed it. The movie is a biopic of composer Leonard Bernstein. A trailer was released which shows Bradley in the fake nose which looks like a disguise someone would wear as part of a tacky Halloween costume (sans the eyeglasses). IMO, real talent doesn't need to rely on cheap gimmicks or a stereotype to portray the life of Mr. Bernstein. In an article on Page Six, Jewish actress Tracy Ann Oberman made an excellent point about this horseshit and Bradley's use of this excessive monstrous prosthetic: "If Cooper was able to play the Elephant Man without any prosthetics, he should be able to play a Jewish man without any need for prosthetics - especially a Jewface".  Good point. When Chicken Coop Bradley portrayed the Elephant Man on

Elon shoots the bird and opts for an X.

  By now you may have heard that Elon Musk has decided to rebrand Twitter by shooting the bird (literally and figuratively) and replace it with the an X.  Wow, was he inspired by the failed grade he's receiving in the court of public opinion for his mismanagement of the social media platform ?   The blue bird logo was synonymous with the platform and "tweets" entered the language lexicon. You'd think that protecting a company with global name recognition and loyal users would be #1 priority. Nope, not for Elon.    Linda Yaccarino, the recently appointed CEO of Twitter X said in a tweet Xplanation, "X will be powered by AI and will connect us in ways we're just beginning to imagine." This follows  Elon's desire to make the app the go-to for everything.  *insert eye roll* So, in other words, they want X to be the Swiss Army knife of the social media sphere. IMO, there's only one problem: Elon has managed to piss off  users, advertisers, shit on e

Memo to Duke & Duchess of Netflix: Air Force One isn't for bumming a ride

    It's slow news because of the SAG-Writers strike. So we have to make due with whatever floats on the proverbial toilet bowl. This came up.  According to reports (I'm side-eyeing Scoobie Obbie Doo), the Duke & Duchess of Nextflix stood on the airport tarmac with their thumbs out (the international sign of hitchhiking) to ask the White House if they could bum a ride on Air Force One for Queen Elizabeth's funeral. The White House said, "Nope". I imagine the White House operator rolled their eyes and proceeded to block their number. It takes a special kind of empty headed self importance stupidity to even think about asking POTUS for a freebie on Air Force One, let alone actually doing it. Then again, no one should be shocked since these two have been called grifters by Spotify execs. Is this why Megan didn't attend the funeral and Prince Harry looked pissed off at having to fly commercial?   Let's examine everything that's wrong if you try to hit

Stop Throwing Shit At Performers On Stage: Harry Styles Edition!

Look, I get it. I really do. Some pop stars are insufferable twats and deserve to be slapped around. But get this: you honestly don't have to anything. Just sit back and relax, because karma will eventually catch up with them: Ah hahahaha! I keed, I keed (no, I don't). At any rate, this trend of beaning pop tartlets in concert continues with Harry Styles, who was hit in the eye this weekend - the eye, FFS! - with an unknown object by some goober in the audience: So what's the end goal here? Take an eye out? Maim his face? Make him dick-less? Because this isn't Harry's first time at the rode; some ass-nugget once chucked a bottle at his groin, causing him to double over in pain. I don't believe I have to repeat myself - will you kids ever listen?! - but there's much more fun things to throw if you really must. There's underwear (sans skid marks, you tool), jock straps (san piss stains, you heathen), and the old standby... . ..cream pie (though save that f

Afternoon Tea: Mattel & Hollywood plan to ruin more of your childhood by taking popular toys and adapting them into movies

    Mattel recently looked into their corporate toy chest to see what else they can pimp out adapt as a movie for Hollywood to further ruin our childhood in the name of capitalism. The company has reported there are 17 movies in the works including:   Polly Pocket - with Lily Collins and Lena Dunham Uno - a hip hop heist caper featuring rapper Lil Yachty Barney - with Daniel Kaluuya Major Matt Mason - with Tom Hanks Magic 8 Ball - no word on who will be in it Live-action Masters of the Universe (doesn't Mattel know this was done in 1987 with Dolph Lundgren?) Hot Wheels - being planned to be a gritty, testosterone fueled movie to be produced by J.J. Abrams Grab your Joan Collins funeral veil because originality in Hollywood is dead. It has been replaced by laziness and an obsession for reboots, remakes, sequels, prequels and anything else that doesn't require intellect or an original thought. I have no idea who the hell Hollywood is catering to anymore - besides bean counters.

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? San Francisco Approves Driverless Cabs!

Toot-toot, bitches! San Francisco, which is currently giving us New-York-City-hellscape-circa-1975, is about to get a whole lot hellscappier. And this time it's not Streisand's fault! 

Hor of the Manor: The Drunk Woman Who Stole a 45-Foot Ferry!

The Dart Princess I don't know about you, but in my world there are few people I'd consider more messy than pro-plaque, #mepoo activist Johnny Depp. And generally speaking, I've felt pretty confident in that assessment. That is, until today!