
Showing posts with the label Messy

Celebrities Still ❤️ Lizzo!

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Ariana and Ethan's Timeline: When Did Their Messy Affair Start?

Some truths are becoming more apparent, which don't look good for the donut licker. Now my lovely hors, we know this is why the demise of her marriage timeline was pushed back to the very beginning of the year. I thought he was the one who cheated on her because there was something there that felt like Ariana was trying to save face. But I was so wrong. She is dating a very married man with a tiny infant who isn't even a year old. Yes, she is dating her co-star from Wicked, Ethan Slater, which has been going on for months! I asked for a gossip gift, and we received one. Ariana has always been messy and bangs messy men, so this is on brand. No wonder this breakneck speed of declarations and blah blah blahs were coming in daily. They were trying to get ahead of this sordid story. It looks like her team was caught flat-footed and has scrambled to play down what is shaping up to be a very different story than the one they had been pushing in the media. This is where the blah blah b

Rosanna Arquette Starring in: "Desperately Seeking the Brake Pedal!"

File this under, "Uh-oh Spaghetti-Os!" 63 year-old Rosanna Arquette - who entered Hollywood meemaw territory the moment she turned 30 - had a meemaw moment in Hollywood yesterday. According to the L.A. Times , the "Crash" actress - Ba-dum tsss! - crashed her car into a Malibu shopping center.  Thankfully, Rosanna wasn't hurt by her oopsie and neither was anyone else. Also, she freely allowed herself to be tested for drugs and alcohol, and get this, she was clean. This is good news and bad news. It's good news, because the actress was not popping dolls like half of Hollywood. (side note: should one drive on Ozempic?!). And neither was she boozing it up, like some stars have been known to do.  On the other hand, she could be a Toonses-level driver - this is not a good thing! - or worse, maybe she really has entered meemaw territory, because police determined that the crash was caused by her footsie when she pressed the gas pedal instead of the brakes while p

Jessel Taank, Hurl Girl Extraordinaire

Some Housewife I Guess

The Bank of Candy Spelling: Open for Business?

Candy Spelling (Source: Getty Images)

Fans Are Outraged That Madonna Is Ignoring Them. Plus an UPDATE.

Fans of Madonna are in rage-mode, ya'll. Why? Because the "I'm Addicted" singer (see what I did there) was out and about yesterday and has yet to let fans know if she's delaying her tour - which is supposed to start Saturday in Vancouver. BTW, what can we tell from this picture above? No ass. It's gone. As in her surgically-enhanced poot-box seems to have left the building. Other then that, she looks pretty damn good for someone who was on the edge of death after an opiate overdose a bacterial infection   generalized unbearableness  a bout of who the fuque knows.  But back to Madonna's little monsters (ah hahahaha! come for me Gag fans!). Similar to Adele, when she had a case of the scareds before cancelling her first Vegas gig, Madonna's fans are shit out of luck in terms of all the hotel and plane fees they've paid and they are not amused. Concerns about refund eligibility? Pff. That's for the poors.  Om one hand, I feel for them. Many laid

Aretha's Got Two Big ‘Uns, And Her Sons Are Fighting Over Them!

Leave it to Aretha to have two of everything - including two handwritten Wills. In terms of the later, a trial on Monday will determine which will be honored and which of her four sons, along with a mess of grandchildren, will cash in on her recording catalog and royalties and an estate worth 80 million smackers.  One of her handwritten Wills, I kid you not, was found stuffed in her couch cushions (amidst a mound of tater chips, fermented Werther's and enough candied pecans to choke every citizen in Detroit. Twice) (I keed, I keed). Sadly, if this goes on for any length of time, the only ones making any money will be the lawyers. I'm sure Aretha has an opinion about this, but then she famously had an opinion about everything.  Somewhere in Heaven Land, Aretha's nemesis Tina Turner is cackling, because you know Tina took care of her business before she left this mortal coil - and used a lawyer with an actual computer and a printer.  But then Aretha famously didn't give t

Evening Nightcap: Judge orders Costner's soon to be ex-wife to move out. Madonna was revived with Narcan? America's 2nd favorite POS has been booted.

  Evening Nightcap will be an occasional post that will highlight whatever the hell is going or buzzing around the internet along my 2-cents comment. I'll write it when I need an excuse to procrastinate from solving the mysteries of life such as, "Why is there always a sock missing when I do laundry? Why do I get the shopping cart with the bad wheel?" So pour yourself a glass of whatever soothes your soul and let's get started. ►A judge ordered Kevin Costner's soon-to-be ex wife, Christine Baumgartner, to grab her Louis Vuitton bags and move out of their house by end of the month, per the prenup agreement. Also, Costner made a counteroffer of $52,000/month in child support which she's balking at. BTW: She's demanding $250k. Yea, good luck with that. Comment: This split is getting messy. I'm waiting for these two to sell tickets for their version of the live-action reboot of "War of the Roses". ►The internet is buzzing of reports that Madonn

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? San Francisco Approves Driverless Cabs!

Toot-toot, bitches! San Francisco, which is currently giving us New-York-City-hellscape-circa-1975, is about to get a whole lot hellscappier. And this time it's not Streisand's fault! 

Hor of the Manor: The Drunk Woman Who Stole a 45-Foot Ferry!

The Dart Princess I don't know about you, but in my world there are few people I'd consider more messy than pro-plaque, #mepoo activist Johnny Depp. And generally speaking, I've felt pretty confident in that assessment. That is, until today!

Drake and Superhero Porn Have Something in Common!

(Photo Credit: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters )