
Showing posts with the label What Could Go Wrong?

Burning Man Gets Washed Out

  Photo: Trevor Hughes / USA Today Network Who didn't see this coming. About 8 days ago, Hurricane Hillary hit the Los Angeles area which caused a lot of rain and flooding. It turned into a tropical storm system as it slooowly moved out of the area and towards Nevada where it impacted and changed the weather. Forecasters were sounding the alarm of potential record setting rain and flooding for the area where Burning Man is held, from August 27 - September 4. Do you think festival organizers and attendees cared? NOPE. For the past few days, images have been shown revelers stuck in downpours and mud. People were told to ration water, food, and fuel because the roads became impassable unless you had a heavy duty 4-wheel drive vehicle. According to reports, up to 70,000 attendees are stuck with the only way to get out is to walk. And walking is what some celebs did. Diplo posted videos of he and Chris Rock walking 6 miles until they were spotted by a fan who picked them up and took the

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Willkommen, Kayne West! Elon Musk Reinstates His Twitter/X Account!

Hooray! Li'l Nazi X Kanye West recently had his account reinstated by Elon Musk on the platform formally known as Twitter (don't call it "X" yet, because Microsoft owns the trademark to "X") (next up, none of us will be able to form complete words because various letters of the alphabet will be  copyrighted) (I'   t  iddi g). Last we heard from this "misunderstood artist," he tweeted a picture of a swastika inside the Star of David. And before that, "defcon 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE," and, oh, yes, "White Lives Matter," which he emblazoned on one of his t-shirts. And - wait - he also appeared on the Alex Jones podcast and exclaimed, "I like Hitler!" Such a renegade, our Ye. But it was that kind of bold behavior which got him dumped shortly thereafter by Balenciaga, his  Hollywood agency CAA, then Adidas, leaving the later stuck with a reported 1.2 billion in unsold "Yeezy" shoes. Unfair? Not at all, because it

Lazy girl/boy is the latest trend among younger workers: A commentary

  When I read about the latest trend among youngsters on Tik Tok called "lazy girl job" I had to find out more as my first reaction was huh?   Lazy girl job is essentially two things: finding a brag worthy, well paying remote job ($80k +) and then going on social media to brag about being lazy, doing the bare minimum with zero ambition, and encouraging others to do the same. At least this is what its morphed into from the original premise of finding a high paying remote gig and putting in minimal effort to allow time to pursue a life. In some ways it's like quiet quitting. Bragging about being lazy on the job isn't anything thing new. Since prehistoric times workers have always tried to find ways to slack off when the boss isn't looking. But what's different with today's entitled, everyone gets a participation trophy generation is their braggadocios brazen attitude about it. I know...don't generalize as there are younger workers who bust their ass for

Forrest Gump Jr. has found God

  Why is it when people realize they're assholes they turn it into an epiphany involving God?  Well seems like Forrest Gump Jr (aka son of Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson) and self-proclaimed king of White Boy Summer has been touched by the holy spirit. Just once I'd like for someone to admit they're a douche - the end. Move on. Go do good things to make the world a better place. Anyway,  Cheeze Whiz Chet Haze has removed all old photos of himself on his IG to reveal a new photo featuring a giant tat of a cross on his chest as his sacrifice to serve the All Mighty. He continued his path of enlightenment by posting these gems of divine inspiration. I get the sense he wrote these while flexing in front of a mirror as Chants of the Benedictine Monks played in the background. I will give Lambo guy credit for realizing he's a useless caricature. If a person is genuine in finding a greater entity that will help them get their shit together and be a productive citizen of the univ

Elon shoots the bird and opts for an X.

  By now you may have heard that Elon Musk has decided to rebrand Twitter by shooting the bird (literally and figuratively) and replace it with the an X.  Wow, was he inspired by the failed grade he's receiving in the court of public opinion for his mismanagement of the social media platform ?   The blue bird logo was synonymous with the platform and "tweets" entered the language lexicon. You'd think that protecting a company with global name recognition and loyal users would be #1 priority. Nope, not for Elon.    Linda Yaccarino, the recently appointed CEO of Twitter X said in a tweet Xplanation, "X will be powered by AI and will connect us in ways we're just beginning to imagine." This follows  Elon's desire to make the app the go-to for everything.  *insert eye roll* So, in other words, they want X to be the Swiss Army knife of the social media sphere. IMO, there's only one problem: Elon has managed to piss off  users, advertisers, shit on e

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Elon Musk's Flying Car!

Chitty Chitty Boom Splat! That's the flesh-ripping, skull-crunching sound you'll likely hear if flying cars ever come to pass. Because gravity, she is a mean girl. Just ask the Challenger astronauts! (what, too soon?) But that's not stopping Alef Aeronautics, an Elon Musk Space-X funded start up, which - incredibly - has just gotten approval for test flights from the FAA.  So let's see, we've got Elon Musk (who, when he bought Twitter, labeled himself "Chief Twit") (points for accuracy!) (and who's currently in a dick spat with Mark Zuckerberg ); we've got Alef, which is still so desperate for cash they're soliciting on their web site; and, oh, yes, did I mention gravity ? S o I ask the ubiquitous question: What could go wrong?  Alef boasts that its car is "environmentally friendly!" Really? Does it run on Elon's butt clappers? Because that ain't clean. And, sure, maybe I'm being a buzzkill, but just imagine the drunk driv

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? San Francisco Approves Driverless Cabs!

Toot-toot, bitches! San Francisco, which is currently giving us New-York-City-hellscape-circa-1975, is about to get a whole lot hellscappier. And this time it's not Streisand's fault!